Bendithier yr Arglwydd a'i nerthoedd
Bendithir yr Arglwydd a'i nerthoedd

(Salm LXXII)
Bendithir yr Arglwydd a'i nerthoedd,
  Fe wna i'r mynyddoedd ddwyn hedd,
A'r bryniau a ffrwythant
  O herwydd graslonder
      ei wedd:
Fe ddisgyn, fel gwlith o'r uchelder,
  Ei fendith a'i fwynder i fyw;
A derfydd gorthrymder a rhyfel,
  Molianned holl Israel eu Duw.

O'i flaen yr ymgryma'r trigolion,
  A llyf ei elynion y llawr;
Moliennwch yr Oen a fu farw,
  Ceir gweled mai hwnw fydd mawr:
Breninoedd o Tarsis a Seba,
  A ddygant anrhegion yn nghyd;
Ymgrymant ger bron y Gwaredwr,
  Addolant Iachawdwr
      y byd.

Mae'n arbed y tlawd a'r anghenus,
  Mae'n achub y rheidus yn rhad;
A'r clwyfus a gān yn dragwyddol,
  Am brofi rhinweddol iachād;
Fe wared eu henaid rhag trawsder,
  Ceir gweled mai
      gwerthfawr eu gwaed;
Yr Arglwydd sydd deilwng o'r mawredd,
  Yr unig ymgeledd a gaed.

Byw hefyd a fydd ein Gwaredwr,
Fe ddaeth yn Iachawdwr i'r gwael;
  O Seba daw aur ac anrhegion,
  Mae'n deilwng
      i'r Cyfion eu cael;
Mawrygir yr Arglwydd
    trwy'r gwledydd,
Ei enw fydd beunydd yn ben;
  Ni dderfydd ei glod
      pan ddarfyddo
  Yr haul a goleuon y nen.
Y Caniadydd 1841

[Mesur: 9898D]

(Psalm 72)
Blessed be the Lord and his strengths,
  He makes the mountains bring peace
And the hills shall bear
    the fruit of righteousness,
  Because of the fullness of grace
      of his face:
He will descend, like dew from the height,
  His blessing and his gentleness to live;
And an end of oppression and war,
  Let all Israel praise their God.

Before him the inhabitants bow,
  And his enemies shall lick the ground;
Praise ye the Lamb who died,
  It is to be seen that he shall be great:
The kings of Tarshish and Sheba,
  Shall bring gifts together;
They shall bow before the Deliverer,
  They shall worship the Saviour
      of the world.

He saves the poor and the needy,
  He saves the needy graciously;
And the sick with a song eternally,
  About experiencing virtuous healing;
He will deliver their soul from tyranny,
  It is to be seen that
      precious is their blood;
The Lord is worthy of the majesty,
  The only help that is had.

Live also shall our Deliverer,
He will become a Saviour to the poor;
  From Sheba will come gold and gifts,
  It is fitting
      for the Righteous One to get them;
The Lord is to be extolled
    throughout the lands,
His name shall daily be head;
  His praise shall not pass away
      when pass away
  The sun and the lights of the sky.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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