Beth yw'r udgorn/utgorn glywai'n seinio?

1,(2);  1,(3),6;  1,4;  1,(4),5;  1,7;  1,8.
(Galwad yr Efengyl)
1. Beth yw'r udgorn glywai'n seinio?
  Brenin Silo sydd yn gwa'dd:
Pwy sy'n cael eu galw ganddo?
  Pechaduriaid o bob gradd:
Adre, adre, blant afradlawn,
  Gadewch gibau gweigion ffol;
Clywaf lais y Brenin heddyw
  'N para i alw ar eich hol.

2. Clywaf Frenin y brenhinoedd
  Eto'n anfon gwawdd i maes;
Y mae ganddo i bechaduriaid
  Wledd o waredigol ras:
Mae yn derbyn plant afradlon,
  A'r tylodion gwaelaf sy;
Mae llawenydd annrhaethadwy
  Wrth eu dwyn i'r
      wledd a'r tŷ.

3. Beth yw'r llef ar fanau uchel?
  Galwad sydd ar Israel dd'od;
Beth y'r gwaeddi mawr a hynod?
  Gwledd yn barod sydd yn bod:
Deuwch, deuwch, afradloniaid,
  Ar yr alwad yn gytūn,
Mae'n rhaid cael y lluoedd adre',
  Rhaid yn ddiau bob yr un.

4. Pam y geilw'r Brenin arnom?
  Am ei fod yn llawn o ras:
Beth a wna i'r drwg sydd ynom?
  Gylch ā'i waed ein pechod cās:
Ei amynedd sydd yn rhyfedd,
  Yn ein goddef hyd yn awr;
Plygwn, plygwn i'w drugaredd,
  Cyn myn'd dan ei lid i lawr.

5. A achubir hen droseddwr?
  Gwneir, o waelod trallod trist:
Pwy fydd iddo yn Waredwr?
  Duw a dyn - un Iesu Grist:
Bechaduriaid euog, aflan,
  O dan faich euogrwydd llym,
At yr Iesu, deuwch weithian -
  Ef ni'ch bwria allan ddim.

6. Dyma'r Cār a'r Cyfaill goreu,
  I feibion Adda
      fedd y nef,
Mae e'n derbyn pechaduriaid,
  Ymddiried f'enaid ynddo ef;
Gwaed yr Oen
    ar ben Calfaria
  A'm cadwodd i o'r fflamau tān,
Chwant sydd arnaf ganu moliant,
  Fyth i'r fath Waredwr glān.

7. Beth a geir yn lys y Brenin?
  Gwleddoedd dibrin yno sydd:
Pwy a gaiff eu porthi ganddo?
  Pawb a ddelo yn ei ddydd:
Adre, adre, blant afradlawn,
  Gadewch gibau gweigion ffol;
Clywaf lais y Brenin heddyw
  'N para i alw ar eich hol.

8. Clywch yr udgorn fel mae'n seinio,
  Uchel iawn trwy'r byd mae'i lef;
Iesu Grist sy'n galw trwyddo,
  Bechaduriaid ato Ef;
Doed y byd i gyd i'w garu,
  Llwyr orchfygu wnelo Ef;
Tyred Arglwydd i deyrnasu
  Ar bob enaid dan y nef.
glywai'n :: glywa'i'n
Seilo :: Silo :: Siloh
Câr :: Brawd

1: 1791 John Williams (Siôn Singer) c.1750-1807
2: Morgan Rhys 1716-79
3: Caniadau Y Cysegr 1866
4,5: Roger Edwards 1811-86
6: Casgliad Morris Davies 1835
7: Hymnau (Wesleyaidd) 1876
8: Llawlyfr Moliant 1880

Tonau [8787D]:
Alexander (John Roberts 1806-79)
  Alma (<1964)
Edinburgh (alaw Gymreig)
Eliseus (<1835)
Hyfrydol (R H Prichard 1811-87)
Moriah (alaw Gymreig)
Mount of Olives (Beethoven / Viner)
Nercwys (hen alaw)
Powys (<1875)
Sanctus (John Richards 1843-1901)
Vienna (Franz Joseph Haydn 1732-1809)
  Udgorn yr Efengyl (J H Roberts 1848-1924)

Clywa'i Frenin y brenhinoedd
Iesu Grist un rhyfedd ydyw
O fy enaid c'od dy olwg

(The Call of the Gospel)
1. What is the trumpet I head sounding?
  The King of Shiloh who is inviting:
Who is being called by it?
  Sinners of every degree:
Home, home, prodigal children,
  Leave your foolish empty pouches;
I hear the King's voice today
  Continuing to call after you.

2. I hear the King of kings
  Still sending an invitation out;
He has for sinners
  A feast of delivering grace:
He receives prodigal children,
  And the poor who are most desperate;
There is unutterable joy
  As they are led to the
      feast and the house.

3. What is the cry on the high peaks?
  It is a call on Israel to come;
What is the great and notable shout?
  There is a feast which is ready:
Come, come, prodigals,
  At the call together,
The multitudes must be got home,
  A necessity no doubt for every one.

4. Why does the King call upon us?
  Because he is full of grace:
What will he do to the evil which is in us?
  Wash with his blood our hateful sin:
His patience is amazing,
  Tolerating us until now;
Let us bow, let us bow to his mercy,
  Before going down under his wrath.

5. Is an old transgressor to be saved?
  Yes he is, from the depth of sad trouble:
Who will be a deliver to him?
  God and man - one Jesus Christ:
Guilty, unclean sinners,
  Under a burden of intense guilt,
To Jesus, come now -
  He will not cast you out.

6. Here is the Kinsman and the best Friend,
  For the children of Adam
    that heaven possesses,
He receives sinners,
  May my soul trust in him;
The blood of the Lamb
    on the summit of Calvary
  Has kept me from the flames of fire,
I have a passion to sing praise,
  Forever to such a holy Deliverer.

7. What is to be had in the King's court?
  There are unstinting feasts there:
Who may be fed by it?
  Everyone who comes in his day:
Home, home, prodigal children,
  Leave your foolish empty pouches;
I hear the King's voice today
  Continuing to call after you.

8. Here the trumpet as it is sounding,
  Very loudly through the world is its cry;
Jesus Christ is calling through it,
  Sinners to Him;
Let all the world come to love him,
  That he do completely conquer;
Come Lord to reign
  Over every soul under heaven.
:: ::
Kinsman :: Brother

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

(The Gospel Trumpet)
Hark! the trumpet-call is sounding,
  'Tis the King of Shiloh's call;
Who is called by grace abounding?
  Sinners ruined by the fall.
Homeward, homeward, wayward children,
  Leave the empty  husks of sin;
Still I hear the King of heaven
  Calling you to enter in.

Will He save me - vilest sinner?
  Yes, from sin and sorrow's sting;
Who will be to me a Saviour?
  God and man in Christ our King;
Sinners sad and heavy laden,
  Burdened with your guilt and doubt,
Come to Jesus with your burden,
  He will never cast you out.


tr. Gethin Davies 1846-96

Tune [8787D]:
    Udgorn yr Efengyl (J H Roberts 1848-1924)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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