Beth yw'r ofn sydd yn fy nghalon?

1,2,3,4,5;  1,(2),4.
(Cysur mewn trallod)
Beth yw'r ofn sydd yn fy nghalon
  Am drallodion eto i dd'od? 
'Run yw f'Arglwydd cadarn ffyddlon,
  Fe a'm cynal er ei glod:
    Yn mhob 'stormydd,
  Deil i fyny f'enaid gwan.

Pe bae arna' i'r byd yn gwgu,
  Heb le genyf ar y llawr;
Uffern greulon arna'i'n chwythu
  Dyfnder llid
     y fagddu fawr;
    Yn mhob 'stormydd,
  Gelli wneyd im' lawenhau.

Pe deu' 'newyn
      blin a noethni,
  Pe deu' cleddau angau llym;
A'm holl ffryndiau arna'i'n cefnu,
  Arglwydd, rwyt ti'n ddigon im':
    Gwên dy wyneb,
  Ar fy enaid, digon yw.

Rho'th gymdeithas, Arglwydd, imi;
  'Cheisiaf ond cael dy fwynhau;
Y na dim ni raid im' ofni,
  Yn dy ras caf ymgryfhau:
  Canaf yn y dŵr a'r tân.

Hwylia f'ysbryd tu 'r bywyd,
  'Does dim gwynfyd ar y llawr;
Gwynt a gwagedd heb ddim sylwedd,
  Fry mae'm etifeddiaeth fawr;
    Yn dy gariad,
  Boed im' nofio tu a'r nef.
Rho'th gymdeithas :: Rho dy gwmni
'Cheisiaf ond cael dy fwynhau :: Rho i mi'n unig dy fwynhau

John Thomas 1730-1803
Caniadau Sion Rhan V 1770

Tonau [878747]:
Calfari (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)
Tafwys (J Herbert Lewis 1858-1933)

(Comfort in trouble)
What is the fear which is in my heart
  About troubles yet to come?
The same is my steadfast, faithful Lord,
  He will support me for his esteem:
    In all storms,
  He will hold up my weak soul.

If on me the world should frowning,
  Without any place to me on the earth;
Cruel hell blowing upon me
  The depth of anger of
      the great, utter blackness;
    In all storms,
Thou art able to cheer me.

If grievous hunger and
      nakedness should come,
  If the sharp sword of death should come;
And all my friends turn their backs on me,
  Lord, thou art sufficient for me:
    A smile of thy face,
  Upon my soul, sufficient it is.

Grant thy company, Lord, to me;
  I will seek only to get to enjoy thee;
And then no need for me to fear,
  In thy grace I may get strengthened:
  I will sing in the water and the fire.

Sail my spirit towards life,
  There is no blessedness on the earth;
Wind and emptiness without any substance,
  Above is my great inheritance;
    In thy love,
  May I navigate towards heaven.
I will seek only to get to enjoy thee :: Grant me only to enjoy thee

tr. 2014,21 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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