Beth yw'r adsain o Ephrata?

1,2,3,4;  1+2,3+4,5+6.
Beth yw'r adsain o Ephrata?
  Nefol lu yn seinio sydd.
Beth yw pwnc eu Haleliwia?
  Crist a anwyd, dyma'r dydd.

Awn ar frys i ddinas Dafydd
  I gael gweled Duw mewn cnawd.
Bendigedig yn dragywydd,
  Cawsom Frenin nef yn frawd.

Pwy yw hwn sy'n faban tawel?
  Arglwydd tragwyddoldeb mawr.
Beth a'i dygodd ef mor isel?
  Cariad rhad at lwch y llawr.

Ar adenydd tosturiaethau
  Disgyn wnaeth o entrych nef.
Seiniwn foliant bob amserau
  Am ei ras anfeidrol ef.

Beth yw Iesu i'r angelion?
  Eu Tywysog mawr ei fri:
Pa berthynas yw i ddynion?
  Brawd a Phrynwr yw i ni.

Os chwareuant hwy eu tanau,
  Mwy yw'n dyled ni a'n hawl;
Crist yr Arglwydd - ni a'i pïau!
  Llanwer daear
      gron â'i fawl.
Roger Edwards 1811-86

Tôn [8787D]: Ephrata (<1859)

What is the echo from Ephratha?
  A heavenly host sounding it is.
What is the subject of their Hallelujah?
  Christ is born, this is the day.

Let us go hurriedly to the city of David
  To get to see God in flesh.
Blessed in eternity,
  We got the King of heaven as a brother.

Who is this who is a quiet baby?
  The great Lord of eternity.
What has brought him so low?
  Free love towards the dust of the ground.

On wings of mercies
  Descend he did from the vault of heaven.
Let us sound praise at all times
  For his immeasurable grace.

What is Jesus to the angels?
  Their Prince of Great renown:
What relation is he to men?
  A Brother and a Redeemer he is to us.

If they play their harps,
  Greater is our debt and our right;
Christ the Lord - he belongs to us!
  Let the round earth be
      filled with his praise.
tr. 2017,18 Richard B Gillion
What is in Ephrata heard?
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

[Metre: 77.77.77]

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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