Beth yw'r cwmwl gwyn sy'n esgyn?

(Y Sulgwyn)
Beth yw'r cwmwl gwyn sy'n esgyn
  O'r Olewydd tua'r nef?
Cerbyd Brenin y gogoniant
  Sydd yn ymdaith tua thref;
  Sanctaidd byrth y ddinas wen.

Beth yw'r disgwyl
    sy 'Nghaersalem?
  Beth yw'r nerthol sŵn o'r nef? 
Atsain croeso'r
      saith ugeinmil
  I'w ddyrchafael rhyfedd ef. 
    Diolch iddo, 
  Y mae'r Pentecost gerllaw. 

At y lliaws yng Nghaersalem,
  Daeth addewid fawr y Tad,
Syrth y miloedd yno i foli
  Duw am iachawdwriaeth rad;
    Ysbryd Sanctaidd, 
  Aros mwyach gyda ni.
John T Job 1867-1938
Y Goleuad 1926

Holstein (J C Bach 1642-1703)
Lewes (J Randall 1715-99)
Neuadd Wen (David Evans 1874-1948)
Picardy (carol Ffrengig)

(Whit Sunday)
What is the white cloud that is ascending
  From Olivet towards heaven?
The chariot of the King of glory
  Who is processing homewards;
    Lift yourselves up,
  Holy portals of the bright city.

What is the expectancy
    that is in Jerusalem?
  What is the powerful sound from heaven?
The echo of the welcome of the
      seven score thousand
  To their lifting up of his wonder.
    Thanks to him,
  Pentecost is imminent.

To the multitude in Jerusalem,
  Came the great promise of the Father,
The thousands fall then to praise
  God for free salvation;
    Holy Spirit,
  Tarry more with us.
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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