Beth yw'r felys garol glywir Yn sain bêr yr Angel-gân, Wedi i eraill hir noswylio Gan fygeiliaid oedd y gwylio Yn y maes eu defaid mân? Ail gydganu sêr y bore, Ail orfoledd meibion Duw, Dechrau creadigaeth newydd, Dechrau gwaith fydd yn dragywydd - Geni Ceidwad dynol-ryw. Mawr ogoniant Duw lewyrchodd, Gan ddisgleirio fel y gwlith; Duw yn Ddyn a ymgnawdolodd, Y Disgleirdeb a ddychwelodd I babellu yn ein plith; Arswyd lanwodd y bugeiliaid Yn y Presenoldeb gwiw, Nes i'r Engyl sactaidd ddatgan Ystyr lawn y Dwyfol amcan - Geni Ceidwas dyno-ryw. Y mae'r garol eto i'w chlywed Yn Offeren Sïon lân; Tra bo'i phlant yn isel erfyn, Mae ei Haberth fry yn esgyn Yn sain bêr yn Angel-gân; Gwêl y llewyrch eto'n twynnu Ar lân Allor Eglwys Grist, Yno, yn ei rym a'i fawredd, Yn pelydru ei drugaredd Ar eneidiau euog trist. Ar ôl cyffes a gollyngdod Mynd i wyddfod Iesu wnawn, Cyffwrdd cwr ei wisg sancteiddlawn, A thrwy rin ei Aberth cyfiawn Nerth ac iechyd yno gawn; Yno gydag Archangylion, Engyl a holl Seintiau'r nef, Y moliannwn a chlodforwn, Y mawrygwn ac addolwn Byth ei Enw sanctaidd ef.T Prichard (Amlwch) 1847-1926
Tonau [87.887.D]: |
What is the sweet carol to be heard As the mellifluous sound of the Angel-song, After others had long retired While shepherds were watching In the field their small sheep? The stars of the morning re-chorusing, The sons of God re-rejoicing, A new creation's beginning, A work beginning which will be in eternity - The birth of human-kind's Saviour. The great glory of God shone, While sparkling like the dew; God in man has taken on flesh, The Brightness has returned To tabernacle in our midst; Terror flooded the shepherds In the worthy Presence, Until the holy Angels declared The full meaning of the Divine purpose - The Saviour of human-kind was born. The carol is still heard In the divine Office of holy Zion; While ever her children lowly supplicate, His Sacrifice is ascending above As a mellifluous sound in Angel-song; See the radiance still shining On the holy Altar of the Church of Christ, There, in its force and its greatness, Gleaming his mercy On sad, guilty souls. After confession and absolution Go to the presence of Jesus let us do, Touch the corner of his fully-holy garment, And through the merit of his righteous Sacrifice Strength and health there let us get; There with Archangels, Angels and all the saints of heaven, We shall praise and acclaim, We shall magnify and adore Forever his holy 2015 Richard B Gillion |