Blaguryn yr addewid ddaeth

Blaguryn yr addewid ddaeth,
Dyrchafu corn ein hiechyd wnaeth,
  Cyhoeddi'r iechydwriaeth wnai,
  A llawn faddeuant am bob bai.

Caiff Israel a chenedloedd byd,
Ei felus foli yn un fryd:
  Ei air a red, a phob dyn byw
  Gaiff wel'd gogoniant
      pur Mab Duw.

Cyfeirio'n traed mae ef yn fwyn,
I ffyrdd tangnefedd mae'n eu dwyn;
  A'r rhai yn awr mewn t'w'llwch sydd,
  Edrychant ar y Seren ddydd.
Cas. o dros Ddwy Fil o Hymnau (S Roberts) 1841

[Mesur: MH 8888]

The shoot of the promise came,
Exalt the horn of our healing it did,
  Announce the salvation it would,
  And full forgiveness for every fault.

Israel and the world's nations shall get,
To praise him sweetly with one intent:
  His word shall run, and every living man
  Shall get to see the glory
      of the pure Son of God.

Directing our feet he is gently,
Into the ways of peace he is leading them;
  And those who are now in darkness,
  They shall look upon the Daystar.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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