Blentyn duwiol paid ag ofni

(Huno yn yr Iesu)
Blentyn duwiol paid ag ofni,
  Nid yw marw i ti'n awr,
Ddim ond huno yn yr Iesu,
  Hyd yr adgyfodiad mawr.

    Paid ag ofni'r beddrod oerddu,
      Ni chei yno unrhyw gam,
    Mwy na'r baban bach fo'n cysgu,
      'N felus iawn ar lin ei fam.

Os helbulus fydd dy ddirwnod,
  Os blinderus fydd dy daith,
Ti gei orphwys yn y beddrod,
  Wedi llwyr ddibenu'th waith.

Cei roi'th ben
    ar fynwes Iesu,
  Huni'n dawel gydag Ef,
Ac yn niwedd byd
    fe'th ddeffry,
  Er dy hebrwng fry i'r Nef.
Eleazar Roberts 1825-1912
Y Delyn Aur 1868

Tôn [MCD 8686D]: Huno yn yr Iesu (<1868)

(Sleeping in Jesus)
Godly children, do not fear,
  Death to thee is nothing now,
But sleeping in Jesus,
  Until the great resurrection.

    Do not fear the cold, black tomb,
      You will not get there any harm,
    More than the little baby who is sleeping,
      Very sweetly on its mother's knee.

If troublesome shall be thy day,
  If grievous shall be thy journey,
Thou wilt get rest in the tomb,
  After completely finishing thy work.

Thou wilt get to put thy head
    on the breast of Jesus
  To sleep quietly with Him,
And at the end of the world
    he will awaken thee,
  In order to escort thee up to heaven.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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