Bloeddiwn ryfel-gri

Bloeddiwn ryfel-gri,
Wele'n gelyn ni!
Safwn dros ein Rhi,
  Tra fo'm byw!
Gwisgo'n harfau wnawn
Buddugoliaeth gawn,
Drwy ymddiried llawn
  Yn Ngair ein Duw!

    Codwn, filwyr!
        safwn dan y faner!
    Nerthol, gwrol,
        yw ei enw Ef;
    Brysiwn! rhuthrwn!
        gwaeddwn oll Hosannna!
    Crist yw'r Cadben
        ar y fyddin gref!

Beiddiwn oll yn llu
Gwrdd y gelyn hy',
Nes o'n gŵydd y ffy
  Draw o'n tir;
Gwenau haul y dydd
Ar ein harfau sydd,
Awn yn mlaen trwy ffydd
  Dros Dduw y Gwir.

Arglwydd nef a llawr,
Gwrando'n gweddi'n awr;
Yn y frwydr fawr
  Clwy ein llef.
Concwest sydd gerllaw!
Wedi'r ymladd daw
Gwisgo'r goron draw
  Yn nef y nef!
<1897 R E Jones

Tôn []:
    Bloeddiwn Ryfel-Gri / Sound the Battle Cry
        1869 William Fiske Sherwin 1826-88

Let us shout a battle cry,
See our enemy!
Let us stand for our Chieftan,
  As long as we live!
Let wear our weapons
We will have victory,
Through full trust
  In the Word of our God!

    Let us arise, soldiers!
        let us stand under his flag!
    Strong, brave,
        in His name;
    Let us hurry! Let us rush!
        Let us all shout Hosanna!
    Christ is the Captain
        over the strong army!

Let us all dare as a host
And meet the proud foe,
Until we know them to flee
  Far from our land;
Smiles of the sun of the day
Are on our weapons,
Let us go forward through faith
  For the God of the Truth.

The Lord of heaven and earth,
Listen to our prayer now;
In the great battle
  Hear our cry.
A conquest is at hand!
After the attack comes
Wearing the crown yonder
  In the heaven of heaven!
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
Sound the battle cry!
See, the foe is nigh;
Raise the standard high
  for the Lord;
Gird your armor on,
Stand firm every one;
Rest your cause upon
  His holy Word.

    Rouse, then, soldiers,
        rally round the banner,
    Ready, steady,
        pass the word along;
    Onward, forward,
        shout aloud Hosanna!
    Christ is Captain
        of the mighty throng.

Strong to meet the foe,
Marching on we go,
While our cause we know,
  must prevail;
Shield and banner bright,
Gleaming in the light,
Battling for the right
  we ne'er can fail.

O! Thou God of all,
Hear us when we call,
Help us one and all
  by Thy grace;
When the battle's done,
And the vict'ry's won,
May we wear the crown
  before Thy face.
1869 William Fiske Sherwin 1826-88

Tune []:
    Sound the Battle Cry (Sherwin)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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