Bod gogoneddus wyt O Dduw

(Mawredd Duw)
Bod gogoneddus wyt, O! Dduw,
Dy orsedd dyrchafedig yw;
  Pwy sydd yn mysg y duwiau i gyd
  Yn debyg i Greawdwr byd?

Mae'n marchog ar gymylau'r nen,
Gan daenu'r nefoedd megys llen;
  Tywyllwch tew o'i gylch y sydd,
  Ond iddo Ef mae'n oleu ddydd.

Wrth nerth ei daran
    cryna'r byd,
Ei gerydd wna y môr yn fud;
  Mae iddo fraich nad oes a'i try,
  Cadernid dwyfol iddi sy'.

Mae'n fwy na llond
    y nef a'r llawr,
Ardderchog yw ei enw mawr;
  Mawrhydi a doethineb maith
  Sydd yn coroni ei holl waith.
D Silvan Evans (Daniel Las) 1818-1903

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Breslau (alaw Ellmynig)
Rivaulx (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Winchester New (Musicalisch Hand-Buch 1690)

(God's Greatness)
A glorious being thou art, O God,
Thy throne is exalted;
  Who is there amongst all the gods
  Similar to the Creator of the world?

He rides on the clouds of the sky,
Spreading the heavens like a curtain;
  Thick darkness around him is,
  But unto Him is the light of day.

At the strength of his thunder
    the world shakes,
His rebuke makes the sea mute;
  He has an arm which nothing shall turn,
  A divine firmness it has.

He is greater than the fulness
    of the heaven and the earth,
Excellent is his great name;
  Majesty and vast wisdom
  Are crowning all his work.
tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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