Bod cyfiawn wyt O Arglwydd Dduw
Un cyfiawn ywt O Arglwydd Dduw

(Am gyfiawnder Duw)
Bod cyfiawn wyt, O Arglwydd Dduw,
Cyfiawnder wnei â dynol-ryw;
  Ni wnei ddim cam
      â neb o'r byd,
  Rhaid i bob genau fyn'd yn fud.

Etholaist fyrdd
    o'r gwaetha ga'd,
I'w cadw'n gyfiawn ac yn rhad;
  Gadewaist eraill fyn'd y'mlaen,
  Mewn rhyfyg i'r tragwyddol dân.

Ond dy gyfiawnder dwyfol di,
Eglurwyd ar ben Calfari;
  Wrth gospi'th Fab
      ar bren y groes,
  Am feiau miloedd y'mhob oes.

Bydd dy gyfiawnder etto'n glir,
Pan ferwo'r môr, pan losgo'r tir;
  Wrth ogoneddu'th saint i gyd,
  A damnio'r holl annuwiol fyd.

             - - - - -

Un cyfiawn wyt, O Arglwydd Dduw,
Cyfiawnder wnei â dynol-ryw;
  Ni wnei ddim cam
      â neb o'r byd,
  Rhaid i bob genau fyn'd yn fud.

Cyfiawn a chywir yw dy ffyrdd,
Wrth dywallt barn ar filoedd myrdd
  O bechaduriaid cyndyn cas,
  Am ddiystyru Crist a'i ras.

Bydd dy gyfiawnder eto'n glir,
Pan ferwo'r môr, pan losgo'r tir;
  Wrth ogoneddu'r saint i gyd,
  A damnio'r holl annuwiol fyd.
Azariah Shadrach 1774-1844

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(About the righteousness of God)
A righteous Being thou art, O Lord God,
Right thou wilt do to human-kind;
  Thou wilt not do wrong
      to anyone of the world,
  Every mouth must go mute.

Thou didst choose a myriad
    of the worst there are,
To keep them righteously and graciously;
  Thou didst let others go forward,
  In rashness to the eternal fire.

But thy divine righteousness,
Was made clear on the summit of Calvary;
  By punishing thy Son
      on the wood of the cross,
  For thousands of faults in every age.

Thy righteousness shall again be clear,
When the sea boils, when the land burns;
  By glorifying all thy saints,
  And condemning the whole ungodly world.

               - - - - -

A righteous one art thou, O Lord God,
Right thou wilt do to human-kind;
  Thou wilt not do wrong
      to anyone of the world,
  Every mouth must go mute.

Righteous and true are thy ways,
Pouring judgment on myriads of thousands
  Of stubborn, detestable sinners,
  For disregarding Christ and his grace.

Thy righteousness shall again be clear,
When the sea boils, when the land burns;
  By glorifying all the saints,
  And condemning the whole ungodly world.
tr. 2015,18 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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