Boddloni wnaf i drefn fy Ner

(Y Credadyn cystuddiedig)
Boddloni wnaf
    i drefn fy Ner,
  Dan bob rhyw flinder beunydd
Fe ddichon droi fy chwerwaf gri,
  A'm galar i lawenydd.

Os yn y pair rhaid i mi fod,
  Nes cael fy sorod ymaith,
Fel aur, a fwrir yn y tân,
  Y deuaf allan eilwaith.

Crist ydyw'r meddyg, mawr ei ddawn,
  A ddichon iawn gymhwyso,
Pob rhyw gystuddiau
    ddel i'n rhan,
  A gwneyd i'r cyfan lwyddo.

Er chwerwed yw pob cwpan lawn,
  Nid ydyw'n iawn bod hebddynt;
Cawn wel'd y cyfan er lleshad,
  Mae gwin o gariad ynddynt.

Mae'r Tad yn profi, mwy neu lai,
  Pob un o'r rhai a garo,
A'i olwg arnynt ddydd a nos,
  I'w dwyn yn agos ato.

A phan heneiddio'r corff o gnawd,
  A'n natur dlawd yn gwywo,
Gall ein dyn newydd fod, er hyn,
  Mewn ieuenctyd yn blodeuo.

Er bod cystuddiau
    blin ein hoes
  Yn gwbl groes i natur,
Mae'n holl geryddon,
    a'u parhad,
  Yn llaw ein Tad wrth fesur.

Efe a ddichon esmwythau
  Dolurion angau difri',
A throi holl ddychryniadau'r glyn,
  A'r t'w'llwch yn oleuni.
in the cauldron I must :: under the rod, if there is need to
is cast :: is purified

Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850

Tonau [MS 8787]:
    Ely (Thomas Turton 1780-1864)
    Llangranog (J Parry 1787-1866)
    Swansea (W D Samuel, Ystradgynlais)
    Tonllwyd (M Llewelyn 1835-1906)

(The afflicted Believer)
Content I shall be
    with the arrangement of my Lord,
  Under every grief daily
He shall suffice to turn my bitterest cry,
  And my mourning to joy.

If in the cauldron I must be,
  Until getting my dross away,
Like gold, which is cast in the fire,
  I shall come out again.

Christ is the physician, great his talent,
  Which is well able to apply,
All kinds of affliction
    that become our lot,
  And make the whole prosper.

Despite how bitter is every full cup,
  It is not good to be without them;
We may see the whole for benefit,
  There is the wine of love in them.

The Father is testing, more or less,
  Every one of those he loves,
And his sight is upon them day and night,
  To bring them close to him.  

A when the body of flesh grows old,
  And our poor nature wilts,
Our new man can be, nevertheless,
  In youthfulness flourishing.

Although the grievous afflictions
    of our age are
  Wholly contrary to nature,
All our chastisements,
    and their continuing, are
  In the hand of our God measured.

He is able to ease
  The innumerable sorrows of death,
And turn all the terrors of the vale,
  And the darkness into light.
in the cauldron I must :: under the rod, if there is need to
is cast :: is purified

tr. 2016,17 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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