Boed bryn y groes boed Calfari

Boed bryn y groes,
    boed Calfari,
Yn uwch na'r bryniau mwya'u bri,
  Can's yno y collwyd gwaed fy Nuw;
Ac yno rhedodd cariad pur
Yn afon ddifrycheulyd glir,
  Yn golchi'r ffiaidd, du ei liw.

Na foed im' feddwl ddydd na nos
Ond cariad perffaith
     angeu'r groes;
  Hon alwaf mwy yn orsedd grās;
Ar Galfari mae mainc y nef,
Yn agos at ei groesbren Ef,
  Oddiyno rhoddir hedd i maes.

Beth bellach wnaf
    ā'r anial fyd
Sydd yn dymhestloedd trwyddo i gyd,
  Bwystfilod rheibus ynddo o'r bron?
Mae genyf fil hyfrydach lle,
Mae'm Iesu eisoes ynddo fe,
  Ond rhoi ffarwel i'r ddaear hon.

'Dwy'n ofni ond yr afon ddu
Sydd rhyngwyf a fy nghartref fry -
  Yr angeu glās wnaeth fyrdd yn wan:
Fy enaid, 'mafael yno yn llaw
Yr hwn ei hun aeth drwyddi draw,
  Ac yn ei law mi ddof i'r lan.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [888D]:
Altorf (alaw Ellmynig)
Llangoedmor (John Jeffries)
Nashville (Matthäus Greiter 1500-1550)
Nazareth (<1869)
Pengwern (<1875)
Rhosyn Saron (alaw Gymreig)
St Paul's (John Goss 1800-80)

gwelir: Na foed im feddwl ddydd na nos

May the hill of the cross be,
    may Calvary be,
Higher that the hills of greatest renown,
  Since there was shed the blood of my God;
And there pure love ran
As a clear, unspotted river,
  Washing the detestable, black his colour.

Do not let me think day or night
But of the perfect love
    of the death of the cross;
  This I will call evermore a throne of grace;
On Calvary is the bench of heaven,
Near to His wooden cross,
  From there peace is to be given out.

What henceforth have I to do
    with the desert world
Which is all tempests throughout,
  Predatory beasts in it completely?
I have a thousand times more delightful place,
My Jesus is always in it,
  But bid farewell to this earth.

I fear only the black river
Which is between me and my home above -
  Utter death made a myriad weak:
My soul, take hold of his hand
He himself went through yonder,
  And in his hand I will come up.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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