Boed bryn y groes, boed Calfari, Yn uwch na'r bryniau mwya'u bri, Can's yno y collwyd gwaed fy Nuw; Ac yno rhedodd cariad pur Yn afon ddifrycheulyd glir, Yn golchi'r ffiaidd, du ei liw. Na foed im' feddwl ddydd na nos Ond cariad perffaith angeu'r groes; Hon alwaf mwy yn orsedd grās; Ar Galfari mae mainc y nef, Yn agos at ei groesbren Ef, Oddiyno rhoddir hedd i maes. Beth bellach wnaf ā'r anial fyd Sydd yn dymhestloedd trwyddo i gyd, Bwystfilod rheibus ynddo o'r bron? Mae genyf fil hyfrydach lle, Mae'm Iesu eisoes ynddo fe, Ond rhoi ffarwel i'r ddaear hon. 'Dwy'n ofni ond yr afon ddu Sydd rhyngwyf a fy nghartref fry - Yr angeu glās wnaeth fyrdd yn wan: Fy enaid, 'mafael yno yn llaw Yr hwn ei hun aeth drwyddi draw, Ac yn ei law mi ddof i'r lan.William Williams 1717-91
Tonau [888D]: gwelir: Na foed im feddwl ddydd na nos |
May the hill of the cross be, may Calvary be, Higher that the hills of greatest renown, Since there was shed the blood of my God; And there pure love ran As a clear, unspotted river, Washing the detestable, black his colour. Do not let me think day or night But of the perfect love of the death of the cross; This I will call evermore a throne of grace; On Calvary is the bench of heaven, Near to His wooden cross, From there peace is to be given out. What henceforth have I to do with the desert world Which is all tempests throughout, Predatory beasts in it completely? I have a thousand times more delightful place, My Jesus is always in it, But bid farewell to this earth. I fear only the black river Which is between me and my home above - Utter death made a myriad weak: My soul, take hold of his hand He himself went through yonder, And in his hand I will come 2016 Richard B Gillion |