Boed i ni gyd un fryd fawrhau'r

(Ysbrydoliaeth yr Ysgrythyrau)
Boed i ni gyd un fryd fawrhau'r
  Ysgryfeniadau odiaeth,
A ddaeth drwy ysprydoliaeth Duw,
  Can's dilys yw'r dystiolaeth.

Rhyw lythyr yw'r Ysgrythyr gref,
  A ddaeth o'r nef i'r ddaear;
At ddynion ffyddlon Duw'n ddiffael,
  Prophwydi Israel hawddgar.

Angylion gynt o'r nef a fu'n
  Gweinyddu'n ogoneddus,
Yn olaf daeth anwylfab Duw
  At ddynol ryw'n ddaionus.

Mae yr Ysgrythyr yn sicrhau
  Ei geiriau oll yn yspryd,
I'r byd fe dystiodd Mab y dyn
  Eu bod bob un yn fywyd.

Efengyl sy'n cyfeirio'n llon
  At feirwon ei lleferydd,
A thrwy ei hyspryd gwethfawr hi
  Y creir ni o'r newydd.

Awdurdod hon, a'i llwydd nid llai,
  Ei heffaith a'i chysondeb;
Cwblhad ei haddweidion clir
  Sy'n profi ei gwir ddwyfoldeb.

Mae mesur dirmyg
    eglwys Dduw
  Ar linell wiw'r Ysgrythyr,
Certh rym a rhwysg
    gorthrymwyr hon
  A chamrau hirion aerwyr.

Fe ragddywedwyd yn y Gair
  Holl gynghrair haerllug Anghrist,
Ac mewn cyffyrddiad mae'n coffhau
  Bradruthrau brwydrau athrist.

Tra bo rhyfeloedd yma a thraw,
  Na chym'rwn fraw nac arswyd;
Pe byddai'r greadigaeth gref,
  Y byd a'r nef yn ysgwyd.

Cawn fuddugoliaeth, helaeth hoen,
  Drwy waed yr
      Oen a laddwyd,
A chwymp pob gelyn sy'n nesâu,
  Y Bwystful a'r gau Brophwyd.
Dafydd Owen (Dewi Wyn o Eifion) 1784-1841

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(The Inspiration of the Scriptures)
Let us all be of one mind to magnify the
  Exquisite writings,
Which came through the inspiration of God,
  Since unfailing is the testimony.

Some letter is the strong Scripture,
  Which came from heaven to the earth;
To the faithful men of God unfailingly,
  The prophets of beautiful Israel.

Angels formerly from heaven were
  Ministering gloriously,
Lastly came the beloved son of God
  To human kind with goodness.

The Scripture confirms that
  All his words are spirit,
To the world testified the Son of man
  That every one is life.

Gospel is directing cheerfully
  Towards the dead its speech,
And through its precious spirit
  We are created anew.

This authority, and its success no less,
  Its effect and its constancy;
The fulfilment of its clear promises
  Are proof of its true divinity.

There is a measure of the contempt
    of the church of God
  On the worthy lines of Scripture,
The vehement force and ostentation
    of these oppressors
  And the long steps of warriors.

Foretold in the Word was
  All the boastful league of Antichrist,
And in a touch it is remembering
  Treacherous rushings of sad battles.

While there be wars here and there,
  We shall not take fear nor horror;
If the strong creation,
  The world and heaven were shaking.

We shall get victory, plenteous joy,
  Through the blood of the
      Lamb who was slain,
And the fall of every enemy who approaches,
  The Beast and the false Prophet.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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