Boed i ni â'n gwefusau

(Sancteiddrwydd a Gras)
Boed i ni â'n gwefusau,
  A'n bywyd draethu i'r byd,
Efengyl santaidd Iesu,
  Y'm ni'n broffesu o hyd;
Dysgleiried ein gweithredoedd
  A'n rhinwedd o bob rhyw,
I brofi yr athrawiaeth,
  Ei bod hi oll o Dduw.

Fel hyn y gallwn oreu
  Gyhoeddi maes ar led,
Anrhydedd ein Iachawdwr,
  Gerbron y rhai digred;
Pan fyddo'r iechydwriaeth
  O'n mewn, a rhinwedd gras
Yn maeddu a darostwng
  Holl rym ein pechod cas.

Mae'n rhaid i ni ymwadu
  A chnawd a rheswm dall,
Cynfigen, gwŷn a thrachwant,
  A balchder yn ddiball;
Fel y b'o gwir a chariad,
  Uniondeb, sobrwydd llawn,
Yn profi ein duwioldeb,
  A'n purdeb oddi fewn.

Gwir grefydd ddeil i fynu
  Ein hyspryd, tra b'om ni
Yn disgwyl am y gobaith
  Tra gwynfydedig fry;
Sef, disglair ymddangosiad
  Ein Harglwydd mawr o'r nef,
A ffydd a saif, gan bwyso
  Ar ei addewid ef.
rhinwedd gras :: theyrnas gras

Pigion o Hymnau &c. 1808

[Mesur: 7676D]

(Sanctification and Grace)
Let us with our lips,
  And our life expound to the world,
The holy gospel of Jesus,
  We are always professing;
May our actions shine
  And our virtue of every kind,
To prove the teaching,
  That it is all from God.

Thus may we best
  Publish abroad,
The honour of our Saviour,
  Before the unbelieving ones;
When the salvation is
  Within us, and the virtue of grace
Beating and subduing
  All the force of our hated sin.

It is necessary for us to deny
  Flesh and blind reason,
Envy, passion and lust,
  And pride unfailingly;
Thus shall truth and love,
  Uprightness, full sobriety,
Prove our godliness,
  And our purity from within.

True belief shall keep up
  Our spirit, while ever we are
Waiting for the hope
  So blessed above;
That is, the radiant appearance
  Of our great Lord from heaven,
And faith shall stand, while leaning
  On his promise.
virtue of grace :: kingdom of grace

tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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