Boed Iesu i'm o hyd
Boed Iesu imi o hyd

(Tangnefedd yn Nghrist)
Boed Iesu im' o hyd,
  Yn dwr a tharian gref,
Rhag dyfais Satan
    a'i holl lid,
  A'i saethau tanllyd ef,
Ac Yn 'r Iorddonen ddu,
  Boed yno y'ngrym y don,
Yn Archoffeiriad anwyl iawn,
  I'm dwyn y'mlan yn llon.

Tangnefedd sydd i'r pell
  A'r agos ynddo ef;
Mae croesaw'n awr i dd'od y'mlaen
  Yn eon tu a'r nef.
Yr Iesu ar y groes
  A wnaeth y ffordd yn rhydd;
Mae rhyddid 'nawr i dd'odd y'mlaen,
  Trwy'r sancteiddiolaf ffydd.

            - - - - -

Boed Iesu imi o hyd
  Yn dŵr a tharian gref,
Rhag dyfais Satan
    a'i holl lid,
  A'i saethau tanllyd ef.

Yn yr Iorddonen ddu,
  Boed yno'n mlaenaf gŵr -
Yn Archoffeiriad anwyl im
  I dori grym y dŵr!

Ein Iesu ar y groes
  A wnaeth y ffordd yn rhydd:
Mae rhyddid heddw i fyn'd yn mlaen
  I wlad y bythol ddydd.
I wlad y bythol ddydd :: Trwy'r sancteiddiolaf dir

Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Hampton (Salmydd Williams)
St Bride (Samuel Howard 1710-82)

Tôn [MBD 6686D]: Persia (<1829)

(Peace in Christ)
May Jesus be to me always
  A tower and a strong shield,
Against the device of Satan
    and all his anger,
  A his fiery darts,
And in the black Jordan,
  May he be there in the force of the wave,
As a very dear High-priest,
  To lead be onwards cheerfully.

Peace there is for the far off
  And the near in him;
There is a welcome now to come forward
  Boldly towards heaven.
'Twas Jesus on the cross
  Who made the way free;
There is freedom no to come forward,
  Through the most sacred faith.

                 - - - - -

May Jesus be to me always
  A tower and a strong shield,
Against the device of Satan
    and all his anger,
  And his fiery darts.

In the black Jordan,
  Let there be before me a man -
As a dear High-priest for me
  To break the force of the water!

Our Jesus on the cross
  Made a way free:
There is freedom today to go forward
  To the land of everlasting day.
To the land of everlasting day :: Through the most sacred land

tr. 2012,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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