Braint Braint (O wir orfoledd fawr ei faint)

(Yn cynnwys hiraeth y
Cristion am fwynhâd o Dduw)
    Braint, Braint
O wir orfoledd fawr ei faint,
Yw canu psalmau 'mhlith y saint;
Ni pherthyn gymmaint i ni o'r gân,
  Heb ganu â'r dyall
        dirion dôn,
I Dduw ar Oen trwy'r
      Ysbryd Glân.

    Awn, awn
O 'wyllys calon oll pe cawn,
Ar fynydd Nebo, O na bawn!
I farw'n llawn o ddawn fy Nuw;
  I wel'd gogonint
        Canaan nef,
A chyd ag ef dros fyth i fyw.

    Mi wn
Mai byw fy Mhrynwr anwyl hwn,
Er dwyn y pwys, a'r
      poen, a'r pwn,
Oedd drwm a dwfwn
      iawn ei faint;
  Cawn gyd deyrnasu ar y dda'ar,
Mewn cyflawn share o'i freniol fraint.

    Cawn, cawn
Trwy gariad Duw gyrhaeddyd dawn,
Cyfiawnder Iôn i
      ni yn iawn,
I'n llenwi'n llawn llawenydd llon
  Lle ni ddaw'r gelyn glas
        a'i gledd
I ddwyn naws hedd y ddinas hon.

    Daw, daw
Ein priod adref o'r wlad draw,
Mae'r dyddiau llawen hyn gerllaw,
Na bydd na braw, na'r
      pwn na'r poen;
  Lle cawn ni yn drag'wyddol fyw,
Yn gweled Duw, a'r sanctaidd Oen.
Hymnau Dymunol a Phrofiadol (Harri Sion) 1773

  Awn awn (O 'wyllys calon oll pe cawn)

(Containing the longing of the
Christian for the enjoyment of God)
    The privilege, privilege
Of true rejoicing great its extent,
Is singing psalms amongst the saints;
The song does not belong so much to us,
  Without singing with tender
        understanding the song,
To God and the Lamb through
      the Holy Spirit.

    I would go, go
With an all-willing heart if I could,
On mount Nebo, O that I were!
To die fully from the gift of my God;
  To see the glory of the
        Canaan of heaven,
And with him forever to live.

    I know
That this dear Redeemer of mine lives,
Despite bearing the weight, and 
      the pain, and the blow,
The extent of which was
      heavy and very deep;
  We may reign together on the earth,
In a full share of his royal privilege.

    We may get, we may get
Through the love of God receive the gift
Of the Lord's righteousness
      for us as a ransom,
To fill us full of cheerful joy
  Where no vile enemy shall come
        with his sword
To steal the savour of this city's peace.

    Come, come
Home shall our spouse from yonder land,
The days of this joy are at hand,
There shall neither be terror, nor
      the burden nor the pain;
  Where we may get eternally to live,
Seeing God, and the sacred Lamb.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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