Bu'r enwog bererinion

Bu'r enwog bererinion,
  Hen weision doethion Duw,
Ar hyd y byd enbydus,
  Helbulus, gynt yn byw;
Trwy ffydd yr ymdeithiasant
  Tra buont yn y byd,
Ac felly buont feirw,
  Gan gadw'r ffydd i gyd.

Disgwylient hwy am ddinas
  Ag iddi urddas wiw:
Pensaer ac aeiladydd
  Y dedwydd le yw Duw;
Mewn ffydd y buont feirw,
  Yn enw'r Iesu mawr,
Ar ôl eu hymdaith sanctaidd
  A llariaidd ar y llawr.

Dangsent wrth ymdeithio
  Eu bod yn ceisio gwlad -
Amgenach wlad yn drigfan,
  Na Chanan a'i mwynhad;
Eu Harglwydd a'u harddelodd,
  Ni chywilyddiodd Ef,
Darparodd iddynt ddinas,
  Un addas yn y nef.
Hymnau Hen a Newydd 1868

Tonau [7676D]:
Arcadelt (Jacques Arcadelt c.1507-68)
Llangloffan (alaw Gymreig)

The famous pilgrims were
  Wise, old servants of God,
Along the dangerous, troublesome
  World, formerly living;
Through faith they travelled
  While they were in the world,
And thus they died,
  While all keeping the faith.

They were waiting for a city
  With worthy dignity:
The chief architect and builder
  Of the happy place is God;
In faith they died,
  In the name of great Jesus,
After their sacred and meek
  Journey on the earth.

They showed while travelling
  That they were seeking a land -
An alternative land as a dwelling,
  To Canaan and to enjoy it;
Their Lord owned them,
  He was not ashamed,
He prepared for them a city,
  A worthy one in heaven.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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