Bu ryfedd gweled Brenin nef

(Puredigaeth Mair Forwyn)
Bu ryfedd gweled Brenin nef
  Ym mreichiau Morwyn dlawd;
Yn nheml ei Dad
    cyflwynai Ef
  Yn Faban yn y cnawd.

Daeth gydaf Ef awelon byw
  O dir Paradwys fry,
Fel blaen-dywalltiad Ysbryd Duw
  Ar bawb o fewn y tŷ.

Ym Mherson Crist, dynoliaeth fawr
  Gyflwynwyd oll i Dduw
Fel plant, i'w meithrin ar y llawr,
  Ac iddo sanctaidd fyw.

O! Arglwydd grasol, caniatâ
  Ein llwyr gyflwyno ni,
 phur galonnau, ufudd, da,
  Trwy'r Iesu hwn i Ti.
Ellis Roberts (Elis Wyn o Wyrfai) 1827-95

Tôn [8686]: French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)

(The Purification of the Virgin Mary)
It was a wonder to see the King of heaven
  In the arms of a poor Virgin;
In the temple of his Father
    she would present Him
  As a Baby in the flesh.

With Him came living breezes
  From the land of Paradise above,
As a pre-outpouring of the Spirit of God
  Upon everyone within the house.

In the Person of Christ, great humanity
  Was all presented to God
As a child, to nurture him on earth,
  And for him to live holy.

O gracious Lord, allow us
  Wholly to present ourselves,
With pure, obedient, good hearts,
  Through this Jesus to Thee.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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