Buost, Arglwydd, yn breswylfa Ddyddiau'r ddaear hon i'th saint; Am gael ynot nerth a noddfa Gorfoleddant yn eu braint. Duw a Thad y cenedlathau, Rhoddwn fawl i'th enw Di; Llwyddiast lafur dy genhadon, Trwyddynt hwy bendithiaist ni. Cofiwn am dy ryfeddodau, Digyfnewid ydwyt Ti; Digon fuost gynt i'n tadau, Digon eto wyt i ni; Digon fyddi drwy yr oesau Yn dy eglwys ar ei thaith; Cydfawrhau dy dosturiaethau Fydd am dragwyddoldeb maith.W Evans Jones (Penllyn) 1854–1938 Tôn [8787D]: Hamburg (Johann Schop c.1610-64) |
Thou wast, Lord, a dwelling-place In the days of this earth for thy saints; For getting in thee strength and refuge They rejoice in their privilege. God and Father of the nations, We give praise to Thy name; Thou didst prosper the labour of thy emissaries, Through them thou blessed us. We remember thy wonder, Unchangeable art Thou; Sufficient thou wast formerly for our fathers, Sufficient still art thou for us; Sufficient shalt thou be throughout the ages In thy church on her journey; Together magnifying thy mercies She shall be for a vast eternity.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |