Bychain blant bu'r Arglwydd Iesu

(Marc x. 14.)
Bychain blant bu'r Arglwydd Iesu
  I'w lân freichiau yn gwahôdd,
Ac i'r anwyl rai'n cyfrannu
  Bendith Nef yn felus rodd;
E geryddai'n llym y rhei'ny
  A fynnasai'u cadw'n ol, -
Eu gwiriondeb gan orhoffi,
  E'u derbyniai yn ei go'l.

Pan bo angau yn cymmeryd
  Plant i ffwrdd o dir y byw,
Wylo heilltion ddagrau tristyd
  Ar eu hol anghymmwys yw:
O dywyllwch dyffryn galar
  Aethant adre' atto Ef
A ddywedodd ar y ddaear
  Mai eu rhan yw teyrnas nef.

Plant oedd anwyl gan yr Iesu
  Tra bu'n rhodio'r ddaear hon, -
Yn y nefoedd cant ei garu,
  Ar ei wyneb wenu'n llon:
Mantell glyd ei gariad mwynaidd
  Sy'n eu hamgylchynu 'nawr,
Nid oes arnynt hiraeth oeraidd
  Am wageddau daear lawr.

Ni fu enllib ar eu genau,
  Ni fu dichell yn eu bron,
Ni rodiasant geimion lwybrau
  Twyll a brad y fuchedd hon;
Addas ynt i gymdeithasu
  A thrigolion pur y wlad
Lle mae heddwch yn teyrnasu
  Yn ddiddiwedd ei barhad.
Daniel Evans (Daniel Ddu o Geredigion) 1792-1846
Gwinllan y Bardd 1831

[Mesur: 8787D]

(Mark 10:14)
Little children was the Lord Jesus
  Into his holy arms welcoming,
And to the beloved ones sharing
  The blessing of Heaven as a sweet gift;
He would rebuke sharply those
  Who insisted on keeping them back, -
Being over-fond of their truth,
  He would receive them in his bosom.

When death be taking
  Children away from the land of the living,
Weeping salty tears of sadness
  After them incomparably he is:
From the darkness of the vale of mourning
  They go home to Him
Who said on the earth
  That their portion is the kingdom of heaven.

Children were beloved of Jesus
  While he was walking this earth, -
In heaven the may sing,
  On his face smiling cheerfully:
The cosy cloak of his gentle love
  Is surrounding them now,
They have no chilly longing
  For the emptinesses of earth below.

There was no slander on their mouths,
  There was no deception in their breast,
They did not walk the false paths
  Of deceit and treachery of this lifestyle;
Worthy they are to fellowship
  With the pure inhabitants of the land
Where peace is reigning
  Endlessly to endure.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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