Bydd, bydd Rhyw ganu peraidd iawn ryw ddydd Pan ddêl y caethion oll yn rhydd: Fe droir eu ffydd yn olwg fry; Cydunant byth, heb dewi â sôn, I foli'r Oen fu ar Galfari. Ond gwledd Sydd etto'n bod tu draw i'r bedd, Dros fyth i'w chael i'r gwael eu gwedd, Lle bydd caniadau maith di ri' I bara beunydd yn ddiboen, Gan foli'r Oen fu ar Galfari. Rhad ras Yw'r newydd gân bereiddia'i blas Fu 'rioed ar ŵyneb daear las; Hi ddeil ei blas pan losgo'r byd, A berwi o'r môr, a'i donnau'n dân: Y nefol gân fydd gras i gyd.
Tonau [288.888]:
There will be, there will be Some very sweet song some day When the captives come back free: Their faith will be turned to sight above; They will agree forever, without keeping from sounding, To praise the Lamb who died on Calvary. But a feast Which is still the far side of the grave, For ever to be had to those of miserable face, Where will be many songs without number To continue daily without wearying, While praising the Lamb who died on Calvary. Free grace Is the new song with the sweetest taste That ever was on the face of the blue/green earth; It keeps its taste when the the world burns, And the sea boils, and its waves as fire: The heavenly song will be all grace. tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion |
Ere long Will come the day of sweetest song When freed are all the captive throng Fixed high in faith their eyes shall be Uniting ever without cease To praise the Lamb of Calvary. Free grace The loveliest song of sweet solace That e'er was heard upon earth's face As lovely still, when boils the sea With waves of fire, and earth's in flames That grace-filled heavenly song shall be.
M J H Ellis (Monti) Tune: William (Morfydd Llwyn Owen 1891-1918) |