Bydd canu yn y nefoedd, Pan ddêl y plant ynghyd, Y rhai fu oddi cartref O dŷ eu Tad cyhyd; Dechreuir y gynghanedd, Ac ni bydd ŵylo mwy, Ond Duw a sych bob deigryn Oddi wrth eu llygaid hwy. [Bydd canu yn y nefoedd, Pan ddêl y plant ynghyd, Y rhai fu oddi cartref O dŷ eu Tad cyhyd.] Mae Iesu yn darparu Trigfannu yn y nef, I wneuthur croesaw helaeth I'w holl ddilynwyr Ef. Dechreuant fod yn llawen, Ac ni bydd gofid mwy, Ond Duw a sych bob deigryn Oddi wrth eu llygaid hwy. Pan ddelo'r pererinion I gwrddyd yn y nef, Rhyw ganu mawr diddiwedd A glywir "Iddo Ef"; Pob un â'i dannau'n dynion Yn seinio marwol glwy'; A byth ni chlywir diwedd Ar eu caniadau hwy. ddilynwyr :: anwyliaid
1-2:Peter Williams (Pedr Hir) 1847-1922
Tonau [8787D]: |
There will be a song in the heavens, When the children come together, Those who were from the home Of their Father's house all along; The concert is to be begun, And there will be no more crying, But God will dry every tear From their eyes. [There will be a song in the heavens, When the children come together, Those who were from the home Of their Father's house all along.] Jesus is preparing Dwellings in heaven, To make a great welcome To all his followers. They will begin to be joyful, And there will be no more grief, But God will dry every tear From their eyes. When the pilgrims come To meet in heaven, Some great unending singing Will be heard "Unto Him"; Every one with his strings taut Sounding a mortal wound; And never an end to be heard To their songs. followers :: beloved (ones) tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion |