Bydd di gysurus yn dy Dduw

1,2,3,4,6;  1,2,5.
(Salm xxxvii. 4,5,6,18,19,23,24,37.)

Bydd di gysurus yn dy Dduw,
  Ti gei bob gwiw ddymuniad:
Dy ffyrdd cred iddo yn ddilys,
  Fe rydd dy wyllys atad.

Cred ynddo ef fe'th ddwg i'r làn,
  Myn allan dy gyfiawnder:
Mor oleu a'r haul hanner dydd,
  Fel hyny bydd d'eglurder.

Fe edwyn Duw ddyddiau a gwaith
  Pob rhai o berffaith helynt;
Ac yn dragywydd Duw a wnaeth
  Deg etifeddiaeth iddynt.

Efe a'u ceidw hwynt i gyd,
  Ni chânt ar ddrygfyd
Yn amser newyn, hwy a gânt
  O borthiant ddigonolrwydd.

Yr Arglwydd fforddio'n wir a wna,
  Brif-fford gwr da
      bob enyd;
Os cwymp,
    ni lwyr ddyfethir ef,
  Duw a'i law gref a'i cyfyd.

Ystyria hefyd y gŵr pur,
  Ac edrych
      dŷ'r cyfiawnedd;
Ti a gei weled gyfryw ddyn,
  Mai'i derfyn fydd tangnefedd.
d'ewyllys :: dy wyllys

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Elizabeth (<1869)
Langdale (Edwin Moss 1838-1919)
Morganwg (hen alaw)

  Cred yn yr Arglwydd a gwna dda
  Fe edwyn Duw flindera maith

(Psalm 37:4,5,6,18,19,23,24,37.)

Be thou comfortable in thy God,
  Thou shalt get every worthy desire:
Thy ways entrust to him sincerely,
  He shall grant thy will to thee.

Believe in him; he shall bring thee up,
  May thy righteousness go out:
As bright at the sun of noon,
  Thus shall be thy clarity.

God knows the days and the work
  Of everyone of perfect conduct;
And in eternity God has made
  A fine inheritance for them.

He shall keep them all,
  They shall have in the evil world
      no shame;
In the time of famine, they shall have
  Of nourishment a sufficiency.

The Lord prepare the way truly he does,
  Of the highway of the good man
      every moment;
If he fall,
    he is not to be completely destroyed,
  God with his strong hand will lift him.

Consider also the pure man,
  And look at the house
      of the righteousness;
Thou shalt get to see such a man,
  That his end shall be peace.

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion

 3 Depend on God, and him obey;
   so thou within the land shalt stay,
     Secure from danger and from want:
 4 Make his commands thy chief delight;
   and he, thy duty to requite,
     Shall all thy earnest wishes grant.

 5 In all thy ways trust thou the Lord,
   and he will needful help afford
     To perfect ev'ry just design:
 6 He'll make, like light, serene and clear,
   thy clouded innocence appear,
     And as a midday sun to shine.

18 His constant care the upright guides,
   and over all their life presides;
     Their portion shall for ever last:
19 They, when distress o'erwhelms the earth,
   shall be unmoved, and e'en in dearth
     The happy fruits of plenty taste.

23 The good man's way is God's delight,
   he orders all the steps aright
     Of him that moves by his command;
24 Though he sometimes may be distressed,
   yet shall he ne'er be quite oppressed,
     For God upholds him with his hand.

37 Observe the perfect man with care,
   and mark all such as upright are;
     Their roughest days in peace shall end:
38 While on the latter end of those,
   who dare God's sacred will oppose,
     A common ruin shall attend.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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