Bydd gweld gogoniant Iesu

(Gweled Iesu yn y Nefoedd)
Bydd gweld gogoniant Iesu,
  A chofio'r mannau bu,
Yn ennyn cân newydd
  Trwy'r holl nefolaidd lu;
Ei weld, a chofio Bethlem,
  A'i eni yno'n dlawd -
Rhyfeddod nef y nefoedd
  Fydd gweled Duw mewn cnawd.

Ei weld, a chofio'r cwpan
  Yn Gethsemane ardd;
Ei gofio'n dod o Edom
  Oll yn ei wisg yn hardd;
Ei weld, a'i holl elynion
  Yn droedfainc dan ei draed;
Ei weld, a chofio'n golchi
  O'n beiau yn ei waed.

Ei weld, a chofio'r gofyn
  Yn y fechnïaeth fawr,
Wrth fynd i'r ddeddf yn ddiwedd,
  Rho'i fywyd glân i lawr;
Pa fodd na bydd yr olwg
  Ar Brynwr euog ddyn
Yn ennyn cân a syndod
  Trwy'r nefoedd fawr ei hun?
Robert Owen (Eryron Gwyllt Walia) 1803-1870

Tonau [7676D]:
Jabez (alaw Gymreig)
Pont l'Abbe (alaw Lydawig)
Pwllheli (John Francis 1789-1834)
Rutherford (Chrétien Urhan 1790-1845)
Syria (J Roberts [Ieuan Gwyllt] 1822-77)

(Seeing Jesus in Heaven)
Seeing the glory of Jesus,
  And remembering the places he was,
Will be kindling a new song
  Throughout all the heavenly host;
Seeing him, and remembering Bethlehem,
  And his birth there as poor -
The wonder of the heaven of heavens
  Will be to see God in flesh.

Seeing him, and remembering the cup
  In Gethsemane garden;
Remembering his coming from Edom
  All in his beautiful clothing;
Seeing him, and all his enemies
  A footstool under his feet;
Seeing him, and remembering our washing
  From our faults in his blood.

Seeing him, and remembering the demand
  In the great surety,
Going to the law in the end,
  Laying down his holy life;
How can the look upon
  The Redeemer of guilty man not
Kindle a song and surprise
  Through great heaven itself?
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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