Caed ffynnon ar y bryn
Mae ffynon ar y bryn

(Ffynnon yr Iachawdwriaeth)
Caed ffynnon ar y bryn, A ylch yn wyn a glân, Oddi wrth bechodau mwya'n bod, Rhifedi'r tywod mân. Mae rhinwedd yn y gwaed, I olchi beiau mwy Nas dichon neb o gôr y nef Byth byth eu rhifo hwy. Mi welaf dyrfa lon, A'u gynau'n ganaid wyn; Fe'u golchwyd oll yn ngwaed yr Oen Fu farw ar y bryn. O! na bawn gyda hwy Yn chwyddo'r hyfryd gân; O fawl dilyth i'r Iesu mwy, Mewn gwir hosana lân. Does diwedd fyth na thrai Ar ffrwythau angeu loes; Fe genir a thelynau aur Am rinwedd gwaed y groes. - - - - -
1,(2a),3,4,5;  1,3,4,(2b),5.
Mae ffynon ar y bryn A ylch yn berffaith lân, Bechodau mawr, ffieidia erioed, O rîf y tywod mân. Mae ynddi rinwedd mawr, Hi olcha feiau mwy Nas gall angylion draethu byth, Er maint eu doniau hwy. [Mae rhinwedd yn dy wa'd I faddeu beiau mwy, Nas cyfrif engyl nefol wlad, A'u helaeth ddoniau hwy.] Nid oes un amser drai Ar lîf y ffynon hon; Mae'n ddigon llawn i lifo dros Holl gynau'r byd o'r bron. Hi gàna'r Negro du, Hi gàna'r Indiad draw; Hi ylch yr aflan oes y sy, Hi ylch yr oes a ddaw. Am hynny gwnaf fy nyth, Y'mlith rhai dua'u rhyw; Mi dafla fy euogrwydd du Yn hollol i fy Nuw. - - - - - Caed ffynon ar y bryn, A ylch yn wỳn a glân Oddiwrth bechodau mwya'n bod, Rhifedi'r tywod mân. 'Does diwedd fyth na thrai Ar gariad angeu loes; Uwch pris o'r gwerthfawrocaf gaed Yw haeddiant gwaed y groes. Fe gàna'r Negro du, Fe gàna'r Indiad draw; Fe faddeu i'r aflan oes y sy, Fe faddeu i'r oes a ddaw.
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MB 6686]:
Arfryn (William J Evans 1866-1947)
St Michael (William Crotch 1775-1847)
Tytherton (Lewis R West 1753-1826)

gwelir: Ti Iesu Frenin nef

(A Fountain of Salvation)
There is a fountain on the hill, Which washes white and clean, From sins which are more Numerous than the fine sand. There is virtue in the blood, To wash more sins Than the choir of heaven could Ever, ever number. I see a joyful throng, With their gowns brilliant white; They were all washed in blood of the Lamb Who died on the hill. O that I might be with them Swelling the delightful song; Of endless praise to the greater Jesus, In true, pure hosanna. There is no end ever, nor ebb To the fruits of the pang of death; Forever will be sung with harps of gold The virtue of the blood of the cross. - - - - -
There is a fount on the hill Which washes perfectly clean, Great sins, most detestable ever, Numbered as the fine sand. In it is great virtue, It washes more faults Than angels can ever expound, Despite the extent of their talents. [There is virtue in thy blood To forgive more faults, Than angels of a heavenly land can count, With their abundant talents.] There is no time of ebbing On the flow of this fount; It is sufficiently full to flow over All the corners of the world completely. It bleaches the black Negro, It bleaches the distant Indian; It washes the unclean age that is, It will wash the age to come. Therefore I will make my nest, Amongst those of the blackest sort; I will throw my black guilt Wholly to my God. - - - - - There is a fount on the hill, Which washes white and clean From the greatest sins there are, Numbered as the fine sand, There is no ending ever nor ebbing To the love of the throes of death; Above the price of the most precious thing ever got Is the merit of the blood of the cross. It bleaches the black Negro, It bleaches yonder Indian; It forgives unclean of the age that is, It forgives for the age to come.
tr. 2010,19 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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