Caersalem dinas hedd

1,(2),3;  1,3,4.
(Hiraeth am y Nef)
  Caersalem, dinas hedd,
    O! na bawn yno'n byw;
  O hyd cawn weled gwedd
    A llewyrch ŵyneb Duw:
Mae weithiau'n dywyll arna'i'n awr;
Fy haul nid â byth yno i lawr.

  Yn Nuw ymddiried 'rwy'
    Wrth deithio'r llwybr cul;
  Fe'm dygodd eisoes trwy,
    Do, gyfyngderau fil;
Hyderus etto wyf trwy ffydd
Yn nerth fy Nuw
      caf gario'r dydd.

  Caf wel'd f'Anwylyd cu
    Pan elwyf draw i dre',
  Yr hwn o'i gariad fu
    Yn dioddef yn fy lle;
Caf wel'd yr Iesu - digon yw;
Mae'r Oen a laddwyd etto'n fyw.

  Nesau mae'r hyfryd ddydd
    Caf seinio'r newydd gân,
  Ar ol caethiwed maith,
    Am waredigaeth lân,
Yn mysg y llu sydd fel y wawr,
Yn mhell o wlad y cystudd mawr.
Wrth deithio'r llwybr cul :: Am gymorth oddi fry
gyfyngderau fil :: gyfyngderau lu

1764 Dafydd Jones 1711-77

priodolwyd hefyd i   |   attributed also to
Daniel Jones 1788-1848

Tonau [666688]:
Alun (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Beverley (The Psalms of David 1791)
Bryniau Canaan (alaw Gymreig)
Carmarthen (<1825)
Darwall (John Darwall 1731-89)
Gopsal (G F Handel 1685-1759)
Gwladys (William Tans'ur 1700-83)
Hollybourne (Henry Smart 1812-79)
Lenox (Lewis Edson 1748-1820)
Normandy (alaw Seisnig)
Ramoth (J R Jones / J Williams)
Treharris (T D Edwards)

  Dysgleiried bore wawr
  Nesâu mae'r hyfryd ddydd

(Longing for Heaven)
  Jerusalem, city of peace,
    O that I may be living in it!
  Always I would get to see the countenance
    And radiance of the face of God:
There are dark times upon me now;
My sun will never go down there.

  In God trusting I am
    While travelling the narrow path;
  He has already led me through,
    Yes, a thousand straits;
Bold still I am through faith
In the strength of my God
      I will get to carry the day.

  I will get to see my dear Beloved
    When I go yonder home,
  He who of his love was
    Suffering in my place;
I will get to see Jesus - enough it is;
The Lamb who was slain is alive again.

  Approaching is the delightful day
    When I may sound the new song,
  After long captivity,
    About complete deliverance,
Amongst the host who are like the dawn,
Far from the land of the great tribulation.
While travelling the narrow path :: For help from above
a thousand straits :: a host of straits

tr. 2016,22 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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