Calfaria gaiff ei gofio

Calfaria gaiff ei gofio
  Pan losgo'r ddaear lawr,
A'r Iawn a roes yr Iesu
  Gaiff ei ryfeddu yn fawr:
Rhyw dyrfa lân ddiflino
  A seiniant "Iddo Ef,"
Calfaria fydd y testyn
  Ar delyn aur y nef.

Calfaria gaiff ei gofio
  Pan d'wyllo haul y nen,
A threulio maith flynyddau
  Y byd a'i oesau i ben;
Rhyw lawen Haleliwia
  Am ben Calfaria fydd,
Pryd hyn bydd plant y tonau
  Dros byth o'u rhwymau'n rhydd. 

Calfaria ni annghofir
  Tra gwelir ol y gwaed
Yn clirio'r holl gysgodau,
  Trwy'r gwyrthiau mawr a gaed:
Calfaria ydyw'r anthem
  Gan luoedd Salem lân,
A phoenau'r gwaith gorphenol
  Fydd eu tragwyddol gân.

Ar fryn yng ngwlad Iwdea,
  Iehofa mawr ei hun
A safodd dros bechadur -
  Oen Duw yn natur dyn!
Pan rifwyd ar y Meichiau
  Ein holl gamweddau ni
Archollwyd dan yr hoelion
  Ei fron ar Galfari.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850

Tonau [7676D]:
Ellacombe (Württemburg Gesangbuch 1784)
Pwllheli (John Francis 1789-1834)
Rhyddid (alaw Gymreig)

Calvary will be remembered
  When the earth below burns,
And the Recompense that Jesus gave
  Will be wondered at greatly:
Some holy grief-free throng
  Shall sound "Unto Him,"
Calvary will be the theme
  On the golden harp of heaven.

Calvary will be remembered
  When the sun of the sky darkens,
And the vast years of the world
  And its ages are all spent;
Some joyful Hallelujah
  Shall be on the summit of Calvary,
That time when the children of the waves are
  Forever free from their bonds.

Calvary is not to be forgotten
  While the traces of the blood are to be seen
Clearing all the shadows,
  Through the great miracles to be had:
Calvary is the anthem
  By a host of holy Salem,
And the pains of the past work
  Will be their eternal song.

On a hill in the land of Judea,
  Great Jehovah himself
Placed for a sinner -
  The Lamb of God in man's nature!
When counted on the Surety were
  All our transgressions
Split under the nails was
  His breast on Calvary.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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