Clodforaf fi fy Arglwydd Ion

(Salm IX - Mawl am amddiffyniad Duw)
Clodforaf fi fy Arglwydd Iôn,
  O'm calon, ac yn hollawl:
Ei ryfeddodau rhof ar led,
  Ac mae'n ddyled eu canmawl.

Byddaf fi lawen yn dy glod,
  Ac ynod ymddiriedaf:
I'th enw, O Dduw, y canaf glod,
  'Wyt hynod y Goruchaf.

Canys Efe a farna y byd,
  A'r bobl i gyd sydd ynddo,
Trwy gyfiawnder, heb ofni neb,
  A thrwy uniondeb rhagddo.

Gwna'r Arglwydd hefyd hyn wrth raid,
  Trueiniaid fe'u hamddiffyn:
Noddfa a fydd i'r rhai'n mewn pryd,
  Pan fo caledfyd arnyn'.

A phawb a'th edwyn,
    rhont eu cred,
  A'u holl ymddiried arnat;
Can's ni adawaist, Arglwydd, neb
  A droes ei wyneb atat.
Byddaf fi :: Mi fyddaf
ymddiriedaf :: gorfoleddaf
Noddfa a fydd :: A noddfa fydd
adawaist :: adewaist

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tonau [MS 8787]:
Bethania (<1869)
Bettws (<1835)
Dyfrdwy (John Jeffreys 1718-98)
Glanceri (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
Mary (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Sabbath (John Williams 1740-1821)
Tyllwyd (Edward Arthur 1874-1948)

gwelir: A'm calon oll dyrchafaf gân

(Psalm 9 - Praise for God's protection)
I will praise thee my Sovereign Lord,
  From my heart, and completely:
Its wonders I shall give abroad,
  And it is a duty to extol them.

I will be joyful in thy praise,
  And in thee I will trust:
To thy name, O God, I shall praise,
  Thou art notably the Most High.

Since He will judge the world,
  And all the people who are in it,
Through righteousness, without any fear,
  And through uprightness from him.

The Lord will also do this when necessary,
  Wretches he will defend:
A refuge he will be to them in time,
  when hardship is upon them.

And all who know thee,
    they put their belief,
  And all their trust upon thee;
Since thou didst abandon no-one, Lord,
  Who turned his face to thee.
I will trust :: I will rejoice
A refuge he will be :: And a refuge he will be

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

P S A L. IX.
 1 To celebrate thy praise, O Lord,
     I will my heart prepare;
   To all the list'ning world thy works,
     thy wond'rous works declare.

 2 The thought of them shall to my foes
     exalted pleasures bring;
   Whilst to thy Name, O thou most High,
     triumphant praise I sing.

 7 The Lord for ever lives, who has
     his righteous throne prepar'd,
 8 Impartial justice to dispense,
     to punish or reward.

 9 God is a constant sure defence
     against oppressing rage;
   As troubles rise, his needful aids
     in our behalf engage.

10 All those who have
       his goodness prov'd
     will in his truth confide;
   Whose mercy ne'er forsook the man
     that on his help rely'd.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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