Cod f'enaid gwan yn fuan gwêl

(Dat. xxi. 11, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, &c. - Rhan I)
C'od f'enaid gwan, yn fuan gwêl,
Y wlad sy'n llifo
    o laeth a mêl;
  Gorphwysfa y rhai
      a ddaeth trwy ras,
  O gystudd mawr y byd i maes.

Caersalem newydd dinas Ner,
Bar'towyd i'r Saint uwchlaw y ser;
  Adeiliad pur o aur digoll,
  Fel gwydr gloyw'n ddisglair oll.

Ei theg rodfeydd a'i phalasau frŷ,
A'i thyrau sound yn hyfryd sŷ;
  Pob rhan o honi cyflawn yw
  O Sanctaidd bresennoldeb Duw.

Ei huchel Furiau wnawd i gyd
O feini jaspis hardd a drŷd:
  A deuddeg sylfaen
      iddi cawn,
  A rhai'n o gerrig gwerthfawr iawn.

Ei phyrth o berl, O ryfedd waith!
Aur yn palmento ei heolydd maith,
  Ei llawr hi gwydr gloyw yw,
  Yn ddisglair lân o hyfryd liw.

'Does ynddi deml o unrhyw,
Can's Duw a'r Oen ei theml yw:
  Yma y saint yn eglur sydd,
  Yn weld ei wyneb nos a dydd.

Haul, lloer a ser yma ni's cawn,
Gogoniant Duw sydd ynthi'n llawn:
  Yr Oen fu a'i waed yn lli i'r llawr,
  Sydd yn disgleirio'r ddinas fawr.

Y gwaredigion oll o'u bron,
Sy'n rhodio yngoleuni hon;
  Tywysogion a brenhinoedd byd,
  Ddwg eu hanrhydedd iddi gyd.

Ei phyrth ni cheuir ddim y dydd,
Can's tywyll nos yno ni bydd;
  Dygir iddi mewn o hyd,
  Ogoniant holl genhedloedd byd.
William Williams 1717-91
Aleluia 1749

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Newcourt (Hugh Bond)
Horsley (<1835)

  Rhan II - Yno y mae fy Mrenhin mawr
  Rhan III - O flaen y faingc mil miloedd mae
  Rhan IV - Yno mae'r apostolion mawr
  Rhan V - Wel dyma hwy'r gadwedig hîl
  Caersalem newydd dinas Ner

(Rev. 21: 11, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, &c. - Part 1)
Arise, my weak soul, soon see
The land that is flowing
    with milk and honey;
  The resting-place of those
      who came through grace,
  Out from the world's great tribulation.

New Jerusalem the city of the Lord,
Prepared for the saints above the stars;
  A pure building of flawless gold,
  Like shining glass all radiant.

Her fair avenues and her palaces above,
And her secure towers delightful are;
  Every part of her is full
  Of the sacred presence of God.

Her high ways were all made
Of beautiful and costly stones of jasper:
  And her twelve foundation
      stones we may find,
  And those of very valuable stones.

Her gates of pearl, O wonderful work!
Gold paving her vast streets,
  Her floor is shining glass,
  Brightly clean of delightful colour.

In her is no temple of any kind,
Since God and the Lamb are her temple:
  Here the saints are evident,
  Seeing his face night and day.

Sun, moon and stars we do not find here,
The glory of God in her is full:
  The Lamb, whose blood flooded down,
  Is irradiating the great city.

All the delivered altogether,
Are walking in this light;
  The princes and kings of the world,
  All bring their presents to her.

Her gates shall not be locked by day,
Since the dark night shall not be there;
  To be brought in to her still,
  Shall the glory of all world's nations.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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