Codwn ein golwg fry i'r nef

Codwn ein golwg fry i'r nef,
  Ein Prynwr ef sydd yno;
Ger bron y Tad Eiriolwr mwyn,
  Yn gwrando'n cwyn
      gan bledio.

"Bu'm farw, enaid trosot ti,
  A'm gwaed yn lli' a roddais;
Boddhais gyfiawnder ar y pren,
  Ac fry uwch ben dyrchefais."

Gweddiau 'nawr, a mawl ei blant,
  I'r nefoedd ma'ent yn esgyn:
Can's Crist a'i aberth sydd bob tro
  Yn ei cyflwyno drostyn'.

Iesu yn unig a gaiff ddwŷn
  At Dduw fy nghwyn yn ddiau:
Fe a bereiddia ar bob cam
  Fy ngweddi a'm gruddfanau.

Gogoniant fyth i'r Iesu mawr
  Hosanna'n awr trwy'r nefoedd,
I'n Duw a'i Grist
    rhoed pob gwir Sant
  O'i galon foliant filoedd.
Diferion y Cyssegr 1802

[Mesur: MS 8787]

Let us raise our view up to heaven,
  Our Redeemer is there;
Before the Father a dear Intercessor,
  Listening to our complaint
      while pleading.

"I died, soul, for thee,
  And my blood as a flood I gave;
I satisfied righteousness on the tree,
  And up above I was exalted."

Prayers now, and the praise of his children,
  To heaven they are ascending:
Since Christ his sacrifice is every time
  Presenting for them.

Jesus alone shall get to bring
  To God my complain without doubt:
He shall sweeten at every step
  My prayer and my groans.

Glory forever to the great Jesus
  Hosannah now throughout heaven,
To our God and his Christ
    let every true saint give
  From his heart thousands of praises.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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