Cofia Arglwydd dy genhadon

(Gweddi dros Genhadon)
Cofia, Arglwydd, dy genhadon,
Mewn unigrwydd, mewn peryglon;
  Llwydda'u gwaith i ddwyn y ddaear
  O dan faner Iesu hawddgar.

Nertha hwy mewn dydd o wendid,
A diddana hwy'n eu gofid;
  Iddynt rho, pan fo dywyllaf,
  Sicrwydd Crist am ei gynhaeaf.

Os daw'r alwad i roi i fyny,
A'r ysgubau heb eu casglu,
  Doed dy air
      yn falm i'w calon -
  "Y medelwyr yw'r angylion."

Yn yr Eglwys gartref, cynnal
Ffydd mewn grym, a gweddi ddyfal;
  Fel y caffo 'nghyd dy deulu
  Lawenychu'n nydd yr Iesu.
Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953

Tôn [8888]: Antwerp (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)

(Prayer for Missionaries)
Remember, Lord, thy missionaries,
In loneliness, in dangers;
  Prosper their work to bring the earth
  Under the beautiful banner of Jesus.

Strengthen them in the day of weakness,
And comfort them in their grief;
  To them give, when there be darkness,
  The assurance of Christ for his harvest.

If the call comes to give up,
And the sheaves have not been gathered,
  Let thy word come
      as a balm to their heart -
  "The reapers are the angels."

In the home Church, uphold
Faith in force, and persistent prayer;
  That thy family may together get
  To rejoice in the day of Jesus.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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