Crist Iesu o'r dyfnder a ddaeth, Mewn llawn fuddugoliaeth ar goedd; Uwch thronau'r gogoniant i gyd, Efe a ddyrchafwyd â bloedd: Ar orsedd deheulaw y Tad, Mae'n uchel ei alwad yn awr; Nid rhaid iddo chwysu byth mwy, Wrth fwrw'i elynion i lawr. O Sion yr enfyn yr Ion, Ryw eglur arwyddion o'i nerth; Ac ar ei elynion Fe fydd Llywodraeth Preswylydd y berth. A'i eiddo a edwyn ei lais, Fel bugail y cais hwynt i gyd; Mor iraidd ac amal â'r gwlith, Daw meibion y fendith y'nghyd. O groth y goleuni gwel hâd, Trwy rinwedd ei alwad a'i ras; Mewn harddwch sancteiddrwydd ar goedd, Yr enfyn ei luoedd i maes. Mor amled mor laned â gwlith, Hiliogaeth y fendith a fydd; I ddofi gwylltfilod y daeth Trwy nerth iachawdwriaeth a'i dydd. Offeiriad tragwyddol a fydd, Fe dyngodd yr Arglwydd i hyn, Heb newid ei ddyben a ddwg — A'i olwg ar Galfari fryn. 'Nol urddas trag'wyddol cyn byd, Bydd Arglwydd y bywyd yn ben; A'i harddwch trag'wyddol a fydd, Heb gwmwl, na gorchudd, na llèn.Richard Jones ?1771-1833 [Mesur: MHD 8888D] gwelir: Ar orsedd deheulaw y Tad |
Christ Jesus who came from the depth, In full victory publicly; Above all the thrones of glory, He was exalted with a shout: On the throne of the Father's right hand, Loud is his call now; There is never more need for him to sweat, While casting his enemies down. O Sion, the Lord shall send, Some clear signs of his strength; And over his enemies he shall be The government of the Resident of the Bush. And his own shall recognise his voice, Like a shepherd he shall seek them all; As fresh and numerous as the dew, The sons of the blessing shall come together. From the womb of like see the seed, Through the merit of his call and his grace; In the beauty of holiness publicly, He shall send his hosts out. As numerous, as clean as dew, The race of the blessing shall be; To tame wild beasts he came Through the strength of salvation and its day. An eternal Priest he shall be, The Lord swore to this, Without bringing any change to his purpose - With his view on Calvary hill. After great eternal dignity before the world, The Lord of life shall be head; And his beauty eternal shall be, Without cloud, or covering, or 2020 Richard B Gillion |