Crist ydyw'r Bugail mawr di-ball

(Dilyn yr Iesu)
Crist ydyw'r Bugail mawr di-ball,
  Arweinia'r dall i dŷ;
Dyddanu'r gwan eu meddwl mae,
  A'u llawenhau yn llu:
A äi di, enaid, ar ei ol?
  Mae yn rhinweddol nerthol Naf;
Fe'th dderbyn fel yr ydwyt, cred,
  I'w ganlyn, – dywed, Af!

Pan elych trwy'r Iorddonen ddu,
  Cei lechu yn Ei law,
Fe'th ddwg di, enaid llesg, i'r lan
  I'w nefol drigfan draw;
Cei ganu'n llafar,
    gyda'r llu
 Sy'n llawenychu yn eu Naf,
A âi i'w ganlyn, doed a ddel?
  O! d'wed yn uchel, Af.
I'w ganlyn, – dywed, Af! :: Nac oeda, dywed, 'Af.'
O! d'wed yn uchel, Af. :: Nac oeda, dywed, 'Af.'

Edward Jones 1761-1836

Tonau [8686.8886]:
Beatrice (T Ll Jenkins)
Cynddelw (<1875)
Maentwrog (J Richards / W Hughes)

  Duw y duwiau Arglwydd nef
  Mae'n wyn a gwridog enwog ŵr
  Mae'r Tad yn anfon gweision gwych

(Following Jesus)
Christ is the great unfailing Shepherd,
  Who leads the blind home;
He comforts those whose thoughts are weak,
  With their joys as a host:
Wilt thou, soul, go after him?
  He is a virtuous strong Master;
He will receive thee as thou art, believe,
  To follow him, - say, I will go!

When thou goest through the black Jordan,
  Thou shalt get to hide in his hand,
He shall lead thee up, feeble soul,
  To the heavenly dwelling yonder;
Thou shalt get to sing loudly,
    with the host
  Who are rejoicing in their Master,
Wilt thou go to follow him, come what may?
  O say loudly, I will go!
To follow him, - say, I will go! :: Do not delay, say, 'I will go.'
O say loudly, I will go! :: Do not delay, say, 'I will go.'

tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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