Cyd genwch feibion Iacob glod
Cyd-genwch feibion Jacob glôd
Datgenwch feibion Jacob glod

(Gogoniant i Duw y Crëawdwr a'r Gwaredwr)
Cyd-genwch feibion Jacob glôd,
  I'r sanctaidd Fôd anfeidrol:
Cyd-seiniwch ferched
    Sïon lân,
  Yr hyfryd gân drag'wyddol.

Gogoniant trwy'r ddaearol lawr,
  I'r Arglwydd mawr a'n crëodd;
Gogoniant trwy'r uchelder fry,
  I'r Iesu cu a'n carodd.

Gogoniant fyth i'r Prophwyd hoff,
  A'r ffyddlon Arch-offeiriad;
Gogoniant fyth i Frenin hedd,
  Gwnaeth i ni wledd o gariad.

Gwaredodd ni oedd gynt ar goll,
  O ddwylaw 'n oll elynion:
Addurnodd ni oedd wael ein drych,
  A gynau gwych a gwynion.

Cyhoeddwn a choronwn ef,
  Yn Frenin nef a daear;
Amen! Amen! hosanna llon,
  I Geidwad Sïon hawddgar.
Cyd-genwch :: Datgenwch
Cyd-seiniwch :: Cyd-genwch
trwy'r ddaearol :: trwy daearol
hosanna llon :: hosanna'n llon

Benjamin Francis 1734-99

[Mesur: MS 8787]

(Glory to God the Creator and the Deliverer)
Sing together praise, ye sons of Jacob,
  To the holy, infinite Being:
Sound together, ye daughters
    of holy Zion,
  The delightful, eternal song.

Glory throughout the earthly ground,
  To the great Lord who created us;
Glory throughout the heights above,
  To the dear Jesus who loved us.

Glory forever to the beloved Prophet,
  And the faithful High-priest;
Glory forever to the King of peace,
  He made for us a feast of love.

He delivered us who once were lost,
  From the hands of all our enemies:
He adorned us who had our poor appearance,
  With brilliant and white gowns.

Let us publish and crown him,
  As the Kind of heaven and earth;
Amen! Amen! a cheerful hosannah,
  To the Saviour of beautiful Zion.
Sing together :: Declare
Sound together :: Sing together
throughout the earthly :: throughout an earthly
a cheerful hosannah :: hosannah cheerfully

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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