Cyffelyb i fy Nuw
Cyffelyb un i'm Duw

1,2,3,4,5;  1,3,5.
  Cyffelyb i fy Nuw
    Ni welodd dae'r na nef;
  'D oes un creadur byw
    Gymherir iddo Ef;
Cyflawnder mawr o râs di-drai
Sydd ynddo fythol yn parhau.

  Fy dry pob melys chwant
    Yn alar hyfryd flas,
  Ac edifeirwch gwiw
    A baro cario'r ma's;
Felly fe ddod fy mhoen a 'ngwae,
A'm pechod cas yn llawenhau.

  Yn nyfnder t'w'llwch nôs
    Mi bwysaf ar Ei râs;
  O'r t'w'llwch mwyaf du
    Fe ddŵg oleuni i maes:
Os gŵg, os llîd, mi âf i'w gôl,
Mae'r wawr yn cerdded ar Ei ôl.

  Pan dorro fi i'r llawr,
    Mae'n siŵr o'm codi i'r lan;
  Nis gedy fi yr hir
    I ymgreinad yn y fan.
Ei ras a'i hedd sydd lawer fwy
Nag y gall uffern faith roi clwy'.

  Ymffrostiaf ynddo Ef
    Pe ymderfysgai'r byd,
  A diluw eilwaith dd'od
    I guddio'r ddae'r i gyd;
Rhyw noddfa lawn a lloches sy
Uwch tymhestl yn f'Anwylyd cu.
Cyffelyb i fy Nuw :: Cyffelyb un i'm Duw
iddo Ef :: iddo Fe
fythol :: bythol

  Like unto my God
    Has not been seen on earth or heaven;
  There is no living creature
    To be compared to Him;
The great fullness of unebbing grace
Is in him forever persisting.

  Every sweet lust shall turn
    To mourning of a delightful taste,
  And worthy repentance
    Shall continue to carry the field;
Therefore my pain and my woe and my
Detestable sin shall become rejoicing.

  In the depths of the darkness of night
    I will lean on his grace;
  From the darkness most black
    He will bring the light out:
If frown, if wrath, I will go to his bosom,
The dawn is walking after Him.

  When I break down,
    He is sure to raise me up;
  He will not leave me for long
    To grovel in the place.
His grace and his peace are much greater
Than the ability of hell to give a wound.

  I will boast in Him
    If the world should become tumultuous,
  And a second deluge come
    To cover all the earth;
Some full refuge and shelter is
Above the tempest in my dear Lord.
Like unto my God :: One like unto my God

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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