Caed trefn i faddau pechod

Caed trefn i faddau pechod
  Yn yr Iawn;
Mae iechydwriaeth barod
  Yn yr Iawn:
Mae'r ddeddf o dan ei choron,
Cyfiawnder yn dweud, Digon!
A'r Tad yn gweiddi, Bodlon!
  Yn yr Iawn;
A Diolch byth, medd Seion,
  Am yr Iawn.

Yn awr hen deulu'r gollfarn,
Mae'n cymorth ar Un cadarn,
Mae galwad heddiw ato,
A bythol fywyd ynddo;
Ni cholir neb a gredo,
Gan lwyr ymroddi iddo,
William Williams (Gwilym Cyfeiliog) 1801-76

Tonau [73.73.7773.73]:
  Cymod (John Thomas 1839-21)
Harlech (J D Jones 1825-70)
Trefeglwys (<1869)
Twrgwyn (alaw Gymreig)

There is a plan for the forgiveness of sins
  In the Atonement;
There is ready salvation
  In the Atonement:
The law is under his crown,
Righteousness says, Sufficient!
And the Father shouts, Satisfied!
  In the Atonement;
And thanks forever, says Zion,
  For the Atonement.

Now the old family of the condemnation,
Our support is on a firm One,
There is a call today to him,
And everlasting life in him;
None to be lost who believe,
By complete devotion to him,
tr. 2008 Richard B Gillion
Our sins shall be forgiven
  Christ atoned
Salvation free is given
  Christ atoned
With righteousness invested
The law has been respected
The Father is contented
  Christ atoned
And Zion is elated
  Christ atoned

All ye 'neath condemnation
  Now rejoice
For Christ is your salvation
  Now rejoice
Unto his side he calls you
And life eternal gives you
No evil can befall you
  Now rejoice
And let him dwell within you
  Now rejoice.
M J H Ellis (Monti)
used by kind permission of the author

Tune [73.73.7773.73]: Cymod (John Thomas 1839-21)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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