Chwi weision Duw, molwch yr Ion, Molwch ei enw a llafar don; Bendigaid fyddo'i enw Ef; O godiad haul hyd fachlud dydd, Mawr enw'r Ion molianus fydd Yn y byd hwn ac yn y nef. Doed bellach holl dylwythau 'r byd O'r gogledd, dwyrain, de, yn nghyd, Canent ei ichawdwriaeth ef. Dadseinied holl derfynan 'r byd, Ac aur delynan 'r nef yn nghyd, No thawont tra b'o nef y nef. [WW] - - - - - 1,2,(3,4); 1,(2),5; 1,2,5,6. Chwi weision Duw, molwch yr Iôn, Molwch ei enw â llafar dôn; Bendigaid fyddo'i enw Ef. O godiad haul, hyd fachlud dydd, Mawr enw'r Iôn moliannus fydd Yn y byd hwn ac yn y nef. Dyrchafodd Duw uwch yr holl fyd, A'i foliant aeth uwch nef i gyd - Pwy sydd gyffelyb i'n Duw ni? Yr hwn a breswyl yn y nef, I'r ddaear hon darostwng Ef - Gwêl Ef ein cam, clyw Ef ein cri. Trwy'r nef y trysor penaf yw Anfeidrol rinwedd gwaed fy Nuw, Holl sylwedd y caniadau i gyd; A dyna'r gwaed a roddodd Iawn I eithaf llym gyfiawnder llawn, Fy hedd a'm cysur yn y byd. [SR (?WW)] Trwy rinwedd hwn caf dawel fyw, Uwch brad gelynion o bob rhyw, O swn pob trafferth a phob gwae; A threulio tragwyddoldeb mwy I ganu am ei ddwyfol glwy', Mewn anthem fythol i barhau. [SR (?WW)] Yr hwn sy'n codi'r tlawd o'r llwch, A'r rheidus o'i orthrymder trwch, I'w gosod uwch penaethiaid byd: [I'r anmhlantadwy mae'n rhoi plant, Hîl têg a thylwyth a llwyddiant: Am hyn molienwch Dduw i gyd.] [I'r unig a'r amddifad rhy Llawenydd, llwyddiant, tylwyth tŷ: Am hyn moliennwch Dduw i gyd.] Gogoniant fyth a fyddo i'r Tâd; A bid gogoniant i'r Mâb rhâd; I'r Yspryd Glân, gogoniant fo: Megis gynt yn y dechreu'r oedd, Ac y bydd byth yn oes oesoedd. Dywedwn, Amen, poed felly bo. [RE] Molwch ei enw â :: Clodforwch ef ar Yn y byd hwn :: Trwy'r ddaear oll uwch yr holl :: uwchlaw'r holl orthrymder trwch :: ddiystyrwch :: drueni trwch anmhlantadwy :: ammhlantadwy
1621 Edmund Prys 1544-1623
Tonau [888D]:
gwelir: |
Ye servants of God, praise the Lord, Praise his name with a loud tune; Blessed be his name; From the rising of the sun, to the sunset of day, The great name of the Lord will be praised In this world and in heaven. Henceforth let all the earth's tribes come From the north, east, south, together, Let them sing his salvation. Let all the ends of the world resound, Together with the golden harps of heaven, May they not fall silent while ever there be the heaven of heaven. - - - - - Ye servants of God, praise the Lord, Praise his name with a loud tune; Blessed be His name. From the rising of the sun, to the sunset of day, The great name of the Lord will be praised In this world and in heaven. God rose above the whole world, And his praise went above all heaven - Who is like our God? The one who resides in heaven, To this earth he humbled himself - He saw our harm, He heard our cry. Throughout heaven the chief treasure is The immeasurable merit of my God's blood, The whole substance of all the songs; And that is the blood that gave Satisfaction To the utmost keen full righteousness, My peace and my comfort in the world. Through this merit I may quietly life, Above the treachery of enemies of every kind, From the sound of all trouble and every woe; And spending eternity evermore To sing about his divine wound, In an anthem everlastingly to continue. The one who raises the poor from the dust, And the needy from heavy oppression, To place him above the chieftains of the world: [To the barren he gives children, Fair progeny and a tribe and prosperity: For this praise ye all God.] [To the lonely and the defenceless ones Joy, prosperity, family: For this praise ye all God.] Glory forever be to the Father; And glory be to the gracious Son; To the Holy Spirit, glory be: As formerly in the beginning it was, And it shall be forever and ever. Let us say, Amen, thus may it be. Praise his name with :: Extol him with In this world :: Through the whole earth :: heavy oppression :: disdain :: deep wretchedness :: tr. 2010,20 Richard B Gillion |