Cododd Iesu! Cododd Iesu! Drylliodd ef ei rwymau tyn; Cododd Iesu! Cododd Iesu! Nef a daear, bloeddiwch hyn. Wedi dioddef poen a gloes Yn ei gariad mawr; Wedi marw ar y Groes, Byw y mae yn awr: Cododd Iesu! Cododd Iesu! Drylliodd ef ei rwymau tyn; Cododd Iesu! Cododd Iesu! Nef a daear, bloeddiwch hyn. Drylliwyd holl gadwynau angau: Daear lawr a nefoedd fry Gorfoleddwch, cenwch odlau, Am fawrhad ein Ceidwad cu! Gyda'i Dad teyrnasa ef Mewn tragwyddol serch, Oni ddêl Priodfab nef At ei Briod-ferch. Llengoedd Engyl a croesawu Arglwydd daear, Arglwydd nef, Wedi dysgwyl a hiraethu Am ei lân ddyfodiad ef. Cododd Iesu! ddaear, cân, Cenwch, sêr, mewn trefn; Seinier mawl mewn Dwyfol dân, Byw yw Crist drachefn!cyf. Hymnau Daniel Evans 1865 - - - - - Crist gyfodwyd! Crist gyfodwyd! Drylliodd Ef Ei rwymau tyn! Crist gyfodwyd! Crist gyfodwyd! Nef a daear bloeddiwch hyn. Wedi dyoddef poen a loes Yn Ei gariad mawr; Wedi marw ar y Groes, Mae yn fyw yn awr: Crist gyfodwyd! Crist gyfodwyd! Drylliodd Ef Ei rwymau tyn; Crist gyfodwyd! Crist gyfodwyd! Nef a daear bloeddiwch hyn. Holl gadwynau angeu ddrylliwyd Daear lawr a nefoedd fry Yn mhob arwydd orfoleddant, Am fawrhad ein Ceidwad cu! Gyda'i Dad teyrnasa Ef Mewn tragwyddol serch, Nes daw'r Priod Fab o'r nef At ei Briod Ferch. Llengoedd Engyl a groesawant Arglwydd daear, Arglwydd nef, Wedi dysgwyl a hiraethu Am ei lân ddyfodiad Ef. Fe'i cyfodwyd, ddaear cân! Cenwch, ser, mewn trefn! Seinier mawl mewn dwyfawl dân! Byw yw Crist drachefn!cyf. Hymnau ... yr Eglwys (Daniel Evans) 1883
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Jesus arose! Jesus arose! He broke the tight bonds; Jesus arose! Jesus arose! Heaven and earth, shout ye this. Having suffered pain and anguish In his great love; Having died on the cross, Alive is he now: Jesus arose! Jesus arose! He broke the tight bonds; Jesus arose! Jesus arose! Heaven and earth, shout ye this. All the chains of death were broken: Earth below and heaven above Rejoice ye, sing ye verses, About the majesty of our dear Saviour! With his Father he reigns In eternal affection, Until the Bridegroom of heaven comes To his Bride. Legions of Angels shall welcome The Lord of earth, the Lord of heaven, Having waited and longed For his holy coming. Jesus arose! earth, sing thou, Sing ye, stars, in order; Praise be sung in divine fire, Alive is Christ again! - - - - - Christ was raised! Christ was raised! He broke his tight bonds! Christ was raised! Christ was raised! Heaven and earth, shout ye this. Having suffered pain and anguish In his great love; Having died on the cross, He is alive now: Christ was raised! Christ was raised! He broke his tight bonds! Christ was raised! Christ was raised! Heaven and earth, shout ye this. All the chains of death were broken Earth below and heaven above In every sign the are jubilant, About the majesty of our dear Saviour! With his Father he shall reign In eternal affection, Until the Bridegroom comes from heaven To his Bride. Legions of angels shall welcome The Lord of earth, the Lord of heaven, Having waited and longed For his complete coming. He was raised, earth, sing thou! Sing, ye stars, in order! Praise is to be sung in divine fire! Alive is Christ again!tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion |
Christ is risen! Christ is risen! He hath burst His bonds in twain; Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Alleluia! swell the strain! For our gain He suffered loss By divine decree; He hath died upon the cross, But our God is He. Christ is risen! Christ is risen! He hath burst His bonds in twain; Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Alleluia! swell the strain! See the chains of death are broken; Earth below and Heav'n above Joy in each amazing token Of His rising, Lord of love; He forevermore shall reign By the Father's side, Till He comes to earth again, Comes to claim His Bride. Glorious angels downward thronging Hail the Lord of all the skies; Heav'n, with joy and holy longing For the Word Incarnate cries, Christ is risen! Earth, rejoice! Gleam, ye starry train! All creation, find a voice; He o'er all shall reign. - - - - - Christ is risen! Christ is risen! He hath burst His bonds in twain; Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Alleluia! swell the strain! For our gain He suffered loss By divine decree; He hath died upon the cross, But our God is He. Christ is risen! Christ is risen! He hath burst His bonds in twain; Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Alleluia! swell the strain! See the chains of death are broken; Earth below and Heav'n above Joy in each amazing token Of His rising, Lord of love; He forevermore shall reign By the Father's side, Till He comes to earth again, Comes to claim His Bride. Glorious angels downward thronging Hail the Lord of all the skies; Heav'n, with joy and holy longing For the Word Incarnate cries, Christ is risen! Earth, rejoice! Gleam, ye starry train! All creation, find a voice; He o'er all shall reign.Archer T Gurney 1820-87 A Book of Praise 1862
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