Crist yw fy nghysgod Crist a'i Iawn

(Crist yn gysgod)
Crist yw fy nghysgod -
    Crist a'i Iawn, -
Crist yn ei ras anfeidrol lawn;
  Y graig sydd uwch na mi yw Ef, -
  Y graig dýr rym
      pob storom gref.
Yn ymyl Crist, tra byddwyf byw
Caf ganu,
    Craig yr oesoedd yw.

Nid ofnaf
    waetha'r byd yn awr,
Na holl derfysgoedd daear lawr;
  Ger llaw yr Iawn
      dystawa'u twrdd,
  Caf finnau ganu heb eu cwrdd.
Crist yw fy nghysgod, digon yw
I'm dwyn i dawel hedd fy Nuw.

Disgleirdeb gyffry fyd i fraw
Fydd fy ngoleuni 'r dydd a daw;
  Ond gweled Crist, fy noddfa wir,
  Gaf yn ei lewyrch,
      tanbaid clir.
Yn nydd y farn, - ofnadwy ddydd,
Fy Nghraig a'm Hiachawdwriaeth fydd.
William Griffith Owen (Llifon) 1857-1922

Tôn [88.88.88]: Rhyd y Groes (T D Edwards 1874-1930)

(Christ a shelter)
Christ is my shelter -
    Christ and his Atonement, -
Christ in his immeasurable full grace;
  The rock that is higher than I is he, -
  The rock that breaks the force
      of every strong storm.
Beside Christ, while ever I live
I shall get to sing,
    the Rock of ages is he.

I shall not fear the 
    worst of the world now,
Nor all the tumults of earth below;
  Near by the Atonement
      their clamour falls silent,
  While I may sing without meeting them.
Christ is my shelter, sufficient he is
To lead me to my God's quiet peace.

Radiance that agitates a world to terror
Shall be my light on the coming day;
  Only to see Christ, my true refuge,
  I shall have in his gleam,
      a clear blaze.
In the day of judgment, - a terrible day,
My Rock and my Salvation he shall be.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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