(Y Cyfammod Gras)
Cyfammod cadarn draw a wnaed,
Fe seliwyd hwn ā gwerthfawr waed
  Y Meichiau mawr ei hun:
Y mae pob bendith, gras, a dawn,
A phob darpariaeth ynddo'n llawn,
  I'r euog gwael ei lun.

Cadarnach na mynyddau'r byd
Y saif cyfammod Duw o hyd;
  Annghyfnewidiol yw:
Nerth a ffyddlondeb
    Adda'r ail,
A'i gref eiriolaeth
    yw ei sail;
  Caiff f'enaid innau fyw.

Teg etifeddiath ini sydd;
A thrwy farwolaeth y Mechniydd,
  Mae'r testament mewn grym:
Daeth pob peth trwyddo ef i'n rhan;
A chawn y deyrnas yn y mān,
  Er gwaethaf angau llym.
Y Caniadydd 1841

[Mesur: 886D]

(The Covenant of Grace)
A strong covenant yonder was made,
This was sealed with the precious blood
  Of the great Surety himself:
Every blessing, grace, and gift,
And every provision is fully in him,
  For the guilty one of a base condition.

Firmer than the mountains of the world
Stands the covenant of God still;
  Unchangeable it is:
The strength and faithfulness
    of the second Adam,
And his strong intercession
    is its basis;
  My own soul too may get to live.

A fair inheritance for us there is;
And through the death of the Surety,
  The testament is in force:
Everything came through him to our part;
And we shall get the kingdom in a while,
  Despite sharp death.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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