Cyfam(m)od hedd cyfam(m)od cadarn Duw
Cyfammod rhad i gyd o drefniad Duw

1,2,(3,4,5,6,7,8,9);  1,2,3,4,5,12;  1,2,3,4,8;  1,2,5;
1,2,8,(4),9;  1,13,14,15;  Rhan I:1,2,8,9,Rhan II:6,3,4,7.
(Cadernid Cyfamod Duw)
Cyfamod hedd,
    cyfamod cadarn Duw,
Ni syfl o'i le,
    nid ie a nage yw;
  Cyfamod gwir,
     ni chyfnewidir chwaith;
  Er maint eu plâ,
     daw tyrfa i ben eu taith.

Cyfamod rhâd,
    o drefniad Un yn Dri,
Hên air y llŵ,
    a droes yn elw i ni;
  Mae'n ddigon cry'
      i'n codi i fyny'n fyw,
  Ei rym o hyd,
      yw holl gadernid Duw.

Cyfamod pur,
    ni n'widir yn y ne',
I ddamnio'r plant,
    os llithrant hwy o'u lle;
  Fe saif ei dir,
      ni syflir byth mo'i sail,
  Mae'n ammod hedd,
      ar rinwedd Adda'r ail.

'Does bwlch yn hwn,
    fel modrwy'n grwn y mae,
A'i glwm mor glòs,
    heb os, nac oni bae;
  Nid all y plant ddim
      gwerthu eu meddiant mwy,
  Mae gan Dduw gylch,
       a'u deil, o'u hamgylch hwy.

Cyfamod llawn, da,
    uniawn, ydyw oll,
Ei seinio wnaed
    a'i seilio â gwaed digoll:
  Fe saif ei sail byth
      yn ddiogel dda;
  Does dim mewn bod,
      mae'n hynod, a'i gwanha.

Fe syrthiodd pen cyfamod Eden,
Ni safai'n syth,
    bydd tristwch byth o'r tro;
  Ond saif yr Ail,
      a'i gadarn sail ni syrth,
  Gwnaed uffern gas
      ei phwrpas gyda'i phyrth.

Tra safo'n siwr
    y Pen-amodwr mawr,
Y plant nid ânt,
    ni lithrant byth i lawr;
  Er mynd i'r bedd,
      a'u gwedd yn ddigon gwael,
  Dwed wrth eu llwch,
      'Dowch, codwch, rhaid eich cael.'

Cyfamod cry',
    pwy ato ddyry ddim?
Nid byd na bedd
    all dorri'i ryfedd rym;
      yw hên arfaeth Duw o hyd,
  Nid siglo mae
      fel gweinion bethau'r byd.

Er llithro i'r llaid
    a llygru defaid Duw
Cyfamod sy i'w codi
    i fyny'n fyw,
  A golchi i gyd
      eu holl aflendid hwy,
  A'u dwyn o'r bedd
      heb ddim amhuredd mwy.

Trwy gamwedd un
    daeth barn ar bob dyn byw,
Rhoes Adda ei had,
    oll dan gondemniad Duw,
  Felly'r un modd,
      trwy Iesu y dey odd dawn
  I gyfiawnhad,
      ceiff llu adferiad llawn.

Crist yw ein gwledd,
    ein hedd a'n cyfiawnhad,
Ffordd fywiol rwydd
    i'n dwyn i wydd ei dad;
  Ei arogl ef
      sy'n llenwi'r nef yn llawn,
  Pereiddio mae weddiau ffiaidd iawn.

Gwna fi fel pren planedig,
    O fy Nuw,
Yn îr ar làn
    afonydd dyfroedd byw;
  Yn gwreiddio ar led,
      a'i ddail heb wywo mwy,
  Yn ffrwytho dan
      gawodydd marwol glwy'.

Pa'm 'r ofnwn mwy
    rhag colyn angau du,
Can's angau yw'r porth
    i'r ddinas freiniol fry;
  Gorchfygu hwn fy Iesu
      gwn a wnaeth,
  Yn llaw fy Nuw ni
      arswydaf rym ei-saeth.

Pan elwy' 'i dre,
    i'r hyfryd gorlan fry,
Ni chrwydra' i mwy
    oddiwrth fy Mugail cu;
  Wrth gofio'r daith,
      a'i holl ffyddlondeb ef,
  Mi seinia 'i glod
      i entrych nef y nef.

Ar dir na mor
    ei debyg gwn nad oes,
Seraphiaid pur
    ni thraethant byth mo'i oes:
  Dringo a wnaf,
      trwy nerth ei ras o'm gwae,
  Nes caffwy'n glir
      ei weled fel y mae.
Cyfammod hedd :: Cyfammod rhad
cyfammod cadarn Duw :: i gyd o drefniad Duw
codi i fyny'n :: c'odi 'fyny'n
'Does bwlch yn hwn :: Cyfammod gwn
A'i glwm mor glòs :: A'i g'lymau'n glos
oni bae :: oni b'ai
Nid byd na bedd all dorri :: 'D eill byd na bedd mo dòri
amhuredd :: anwiredd

1-9 : Edward Jones 1761-1829
10-11: Llyfr Llawysgrif Edward Jones
12 : Ann Griffiths 1776-1805
13 : Grawn-Sypiau Canaan 1829
14 : David Charles 1762-1834
15 : John Thomas 1730-1804? / Pedr Fardd 1775-1845

Birmingham (F Cunningham)
Clod/Ffigysbren (alaw Gymreig)
  Covenant (<1825)
Erfyniad (alaw Gymreig)
Freyburg (J Freylinghausen 1670-1739)
Guestwick (<1829)
Navarre / Old 124th (Salmydd Genefa 1551)
  Quebec (<1825)
Upton (<1829)
Warsaw (<1825)

  Brawd yw efe i'r llwythog ar y llawr
  Cyn llunio'r byd cyn lledu'r nefoedd wen
  Darfydded sôn am haeddiant dyn a'i rym
  Gwna fi fel pren planedig O fy Nuw
  O Basan bell mae'n cyrchu ambell un
  Y Bugail mwyn o'r nef a ddaeth i lawr

(The Firmness of the Covenant of God)
Covenant of peace,
    steadfast covenant of God,
Not shifting,
    nor 'yes and no' is it;
  Covenant of truth,
      not to be exchanged either;
  Although great their plague, a multitude
      will come to the end of their journey.

A free covenant,
    prepared by the One in Three,
The old word of the oath
    which he turned into gain for us;
  It is sufficiently strong
      to raise us up alive,
  It's strength still
      is all God's steadfastness.

A pure covenant,
    not to be changed in heaven,
To condemn the children,
    if they slip from their place;
  Fe saif ei dir,
      ni syflir byth mo'i sail,
  Mae'n ammod hedd,
      ar rinwedd Adda'r ail.

There is no breach in this,
    like a round ring it is,
With its knot so close,
    without if, or unless;
  The children cannot
      sell their possession any more,
  God has a circle,
       which keeps them, around them.

A covenant full, good,
    upright, it is all,
Sounded it was
    and founded with unfailing blood:
  Its foundation stands forever
      safely good;
  The is nothing existing,
      it is remarkable, that weakens it.

The head of Eden's covenant fell,
    it did,
It did not stand straight, there will be
    sadness forever from the time;
  But the Second will stand, and
      its secure foundation will not fall,
  Hated hell made
      its purpose with its portals.

While ever the great Chief-covenant-maker
    stands secure,
The children will not go,
    nor ever slide down;
  Although going to the grave, and
      their condition sufficiently poor,
  He says to their dust,
      'Come, arise, you must be had.'

A strong covenant,
    who to it will add anything?
Neither the world nor the grave
    can break its wonderful force;
      is the old purpose of God still,
    Not shaking is it
      like the weak things of the world.

Although sliding to the mire and
    becoming corrupt are the sheep of God
It is the covenant which raises them
    up alive,
  And washes all
      of their whole uncleanness,
  And leads them from the grave
      without any more impurity.

Through the trespass of one
    came judgment on every living man,
Adam put all his seed
    under God's condemnation,
  Thus likewise,
      through Jesus came the gift
  To justify,
      a host will get full revival.

Christ is our feast,
    our peace and our righteousness,
A generous, living way
    to bring us into his Father's presence;
  'Tis his own perfume
      that is filling heaven fully,
  It is sweetening very detestable prayers.

Make me like a planted tree,
    O my God,
Fresh on the bank
    of the rivers of living waters;
  Rooted widely,
      and its leaves never more withering,
  Bearing fruit under
      the showers of a mortal wound.

Why should I fear anymore
    the sting of black death,
Since death is the portal
    to the royal city above;
  Overcome this my Jesus
      I know he did,
  In the hand of my God I shall not
      be terrified by its arrow's force.

When I go home
    to the delightful fold above,
I shall not wander anymore
    away from my dear Shepherd;
  Remembering the journey,
      and all his faithfulness,
  I shall sound his acclaim
      to the vault of heaven's heaven.

On land nor sea
    his like I know there is not,
Pure seraphim
    they shall never tell out his age;
  Climb I shall, through the
      strength of his grace from my woe,
  Until I get clearly
      to see him as he is.
Covenant of peace :: Gracious covenant
steadfast covenant of God :: all from the arrangement of God
There is no breach in this :: A covenant I know
With its knot so close :: With its knots close
impurity :: untruth

tr. 2009,23 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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