Cyflawnder y gogoniant fry

(Y Cristion yn Orchfygwr trwy Grist)
  Cyflawnder y gogoniant fry
  A dderbyn y milwraidd lu
Sydd yn gorchfygu trwy ei waed:
  Gorchfygwr ein gelynion câs
  Yw'r Iesu mawr,
      trwy rym ei ras;
Ca'dd luoedd uffern dan ei draed.

  O caniatâ i'th filwyr sydd
  Yn ymladd yn dy nerth trwy ffydd,
I gael y dydd, heb gilio mwy -
  A chyflawn hawl
      i'r deyrnas rad
  A brynaist ti
      â'th werthfawr waed,
Trwy angau'r groes
    a'th farwol glwy'.
Gorchfygwr :: Congcwerwr
luoedd :: angaau ac
A chyflawn hawl :: A chlaimio hawl

cyf. Diferion y Cyssegr 1802

Tôn [668D]: Gweddi Luther (M Luther / J S Bach)

(The Christian Overcoming through Christ)
  The fulness of the glory above
  That the militant host receives
Who are overcoming through his blood:
  The overcomer of our detestable enemies
  Is the great Jesus,
      through the power of his grace;
He got the hosts of hell under his feet.

  O permit thy soldiers who are
  Fighting in thy strength through faith,
To gain the day, with no more retreating -
  With a full right
      to the gracious kingdom
  Which thou didst purchase
      with thy precious blood,
Through the death of the cross
    and thy mortal wound.
overcomer :: conqueror
the hosts of :: death and
With a full :: And claiming a

tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion



Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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