Cyhyd ag yw'r ffurfafen fawr

(Salm CIII - Trugarogrwydd Duw tu ag at ei blant)
Cyhyd ag yw'r ffurfafen fawr,
  Oddiar y llawr o uchder;
Cymmaint i'r rhai a'i hofnant ef,
  Fydd nawdd
      Duw nef bob amser.

Yr un modd âg y teimla dŷn
  Tu-ag at ei blentyn tirion:
Felly y teimla'n Tâd o'r nêf,
  Os ofnwn ef o'n calon.

Efe a'n hedwyn ni yn llwyr,
  'Fe ŵyr mai llwch yw'n defnydd;
Oes dŷn fel gwelltglas
    sy'n teghâu,
  Neu ddail, neu flodau maesydd.

Yr hwn, cyn gynted ag y dêl
  Y gwnt â'i awel drosodd,
A chwythir ymaith felly o'i le,
  Na wyddys p'le y tyfodd.

Ond llwyr faddeuant fyth a fydd,
  Yn lân dragywydd feddiant,
O oes i oes, heb drangc,
    heb drai,
  Gan Dduw i'r rhai a'i hofnant.

Bendithiwch chwi yr Argwydd Ion,
  Chwychwi Angelion nerthol;
Sy'n gwrando llais ei eiriau pur,
  A'u gwneuthur yn drag'wyddol.

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

[Mesur MS 8787]

gwelir: Fy enaid mawl Sanct Duw yr Iôn

(Psalm 103 - The mercifulness of God toward his children)
As long as the great firmament is,
  High above the ground;
So much to those who fear him,
  Shall be the protection
      of the God of heaven all the time.

The same way as a man feels
  Towards  his tender children:
Thus our Father from heaven feels
  If we fear him from our heart.

He knows us completely,
  He knows that dust is our substance;
The age of a man is like green grass
    which grows fair,
  Or leaves, or flowers of the field.

Which, as soon as comes
  The wind with its breeze over it,
Is blown away thus from its place,
  It is not known where it grew.

But complete forgiveness forever shall be,
  A wholly eternal possession,
From age to age, without dying,
    without ebbing,
  From God to those who fear him.

Bless ye the Sovereign Lord,
  Ye strong angels;
Who listen to the voice of his pure words,
  And do them eternally.

tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion
11 As high as heav'n its arch extends
     above this little spot of clay,
   So much his boundless love transcends
     the small respects
         that we can pay.

12 As far as 'tis from east to west,
     so far has he our sins removed,
13 Who with a father's tender breast
     has such as fear him always loved.

14 For God, who all our frame surveys,
     considers that we are but clay;
15 How fresh soe'er we seem,
       our days
     like grass or flowers must fade away.

16 Whilst they are nipped
       with sudden blasts,
     nor can we find their former place;
17 God's faithful mercy ever lasts
     to those that fear him,
         and their race.

19 The Lord, the universal King,
     in heav'n has fixed his lofty throne;
20 To him, ye angels, praises sing,
     in whose great strength
         his pow'r is shown

   Ye that his just commands obey,
     and hear and do his sacred will,
21 Ye hosts of his, this tribute pay,
     who still what he ordains fulfil.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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