Cyn taenu'r Nef (Tystolaeth cair)
Cyn tannu'r Nef (Tystolaeth cair)

(Duwdod a Dyndod Crist)
Ioan i.1,3,14. a Col. i 16. a Eph. iii. 9,10.
Cyn tannu'r Nef
   (Tystiolaeth cair)
O Drag'wyddoldeb 'r oedd y Gair;
  Y Gair oedd gyd â Duw'n y Nef,
  A'r Gair oedd Dduw, addolwn ef.

Trwy'i allu ef y gwnaed pob Dim;
Cynhelir pob Peth
    trwy ei Rym;
  Pen yr holl Greadigaeth yw,
  Hed wrth ei Arch Angylion Duw.

Cyn cwympo o Satan 'r oedd fy Ner
Yn arwain llu'r boreol Ser;
  Pwy draetha ei Genhedlaeth faith,
  Na nifer ei Flynyddoedd 'chwaith?

Ond wele, gado'r Nef a wnaeth,
I fyw mewn clai i'r ddaear daeth,
  I 'mgyfeillachu â Phryfed tlawd,
  Mewn Gwisg fel hwy egwan Gnawd.

A gwel'd ei bryd wnaeth dynol-ryw,
Mab unig y trag'wyddol Dduw;
  Mor llawn o Wir, a Gras, a Hedd,
  Llewyrchei'r Duwdod yn ei Wedd!

Angylion ddaeth o'r Nef i lawr
I ddysgu y Dirgelwch mawr,
  A thraethu'i Gariad yn ddi-gêl,
  Gogoniant mawr Immanuêl.

- - - - -
(Crist yn berson dwyfol)
Cyn taenu'r Nef
   (Tystiolaeth cair)
O drag'wyddoldeb 'r oedd y Gair;
  A'r Gair oedd gyd â Duw'n y nef,
  A'r Gair oedd Dduw, addolwn ef.

Ei allu ef a wnaeth y byd,
A'i law a gynnal hwn i gyd;
  Pen yr holl greadigaeth yw,
  'Hed wrth ei arch angylion Duw.

Ond wele, gado'r nef a wnaeth,
I fyw mewn clai i'r ddaear daeth,
  I drigo gyd â phryfed t'lawd,
  Mewn gwisg, fel hwy, egwan gnawd.

A gwel'd ei bryd wnaeth dynolryw,
Mab unig y trag'wyddol Dduw;
  Mor llawn o wir, a gras, a hedd,
  Llewyrcha'r Duwdod yn ei wedd.
A'r Gair oedd gyd â :: Y Gair oedd gyda
A'r Gair oedd Dduw :: Duw oedd y Gair
egwan gnawd :: o egwan gnawd
A gwel'd ei bryd wnaeth :: Ei bryd a welodd

cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77

Tôn [MH 8888]: Canon (Thomas Tallis c.1505-85)

(The Divinity and Humanity of Christ)
John 1:1,3,14; and Col. 1:16; and Eph. 3:9,10.
Before spreading the Heaven
    (Evidence is to be had)
From eternity was the Word;
  The Word was with God in Heaven,
  And the Word was God, let us worship him.

Through his ability he made every Thing;
To be upheld is every Thing
    through his Force;
  The Head of the whole Creation he is,
  Fly at his command do the Angels of God.

Before Satan fell my Lord was
Leading the host of the morning Stars;
  Who shall expound his vast Generation,
  Or number his Years either?

But see, leave Heaven he did,
To live in clay to the earth he came,
  To associate himself with poor Worms,
  In clothing, like them, of weak Flesh.

And see his countenance did human-kind,
The only Son of the eternal God;
  So full of Truth, and Grace, and Peace,
  The Godhead would shine in his Face!

Angels came down from Heaven
To learn the great Mystery,
  And expound his Love unconcealed,
  The great Glory of Immanuel.

- - - - -
(Christ a divine person)
Before spreading the Heaven
   (Evidence is to be had)
From eternity was the Word;
  And the Word was with the God of heaven,
  And the Word was God, let us worship him.

His power has made the earth;
And his hand shall support all this;
  Head of the whole creation he is,
  Fly at his command do the angels of God.

But see, leave Heaven he did,
To live in clay to the earth he came,
  To live with poor worms,
  In clothing, like them, of weak flesh.

And see his countenance did humankind,
The only Son of the eternal God;
  So full of truth, and grace, and peace,
  The Godhead shines in his face!
And the Word was with :: The Word was with
And the Word was God :: God was the Word
And see his countenance did :: His countenance ... saw

tr. 2014,15 Richard B Gillion

Ere the blue heav'ns
    were stretched abroad,
From everlasting was the Word:
  With God He was; the Word was God,
  And must divinely be adored.

By His own power were all things made;
By Him supported
    all things stand;
  He is the whole creation's Head,
  And angels fly at His command.

Ere sin was born, or Satan fell,
He led the host of morning stars:
  Thy generation who can tell,
  Or count the numbers of Thy years?

But lo! He leaves those heav'nly forms,
The Word descends and dwells in clay,
  That He may hold converse with worms,
  Dressed in such feeble flesh as they.

Mortals with joy beheld His face,
Th' eternal Father's only Son;
  How full of truth! how full of grace!
  When through His eyes the Godhead shone.

Archangels leave their high abode
To learn new mysteries here, and tell
  The loves of our descending God,
  The glories of Immanuel.

- - - - -
Ere the blue heav'ns
    were stretched abroad,
From everlasting was the Word:
  With God He was; the Word was God,
  And must divinely be adored.

By His own power were all things made;
By Him supported all things stand;
  He is the whole creation's Head,
  And angels fly at His command.

But lo! He leaves those heav'nly forms,
The Word descends and dwells in clay,
  That He may hold converse with worms,
  Dressed in such feeble flesh as they.

Mortals with joy beheld His face,
Th' eternal Father's only Son;
  How full of truth! how full of grace!
  When through His eyes the Godhead shone.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs, Book I, 1707, number 2.

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Breslau (As Hymnodus Sacer)
Truro (Psalmodia Evangelica)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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