Canwn am y gwaith gorffennol/gorphenol

(Y Gwaith Gorphenol)
Canwn am y gwaith gorphenol,
    Ar Galfari,
Yno rhoddwyd Iawn trag'wyddol,
    Ar Galfari,
Pob addewid a gyflawnwyd,
Geiriau'r nefoedd oll a seliwyd,
Pan y llefodd Ef, "Gorphenwyd"
    Ar Galfari.

Deddf y nef a anrhydeddwyd
    Ar Galfari,
A chyfiawnder a foddlonwyd
    Ar Galfari;
Pyrth y nefoedd wen agorodd,
Y Tad oddiar ei orsedd wenodd,
Nef a daear a gymmododd
    Ar Galfari.

Awdurdodau uffern greulon,
    Ar bren y groes,
Rwymodd mewn cadwynau'n gaethion,
    Ar bren y groes:
Arddangosodd hwy ar gyhoedd
Dan eu gwarth yn ngŵydd y nefoedd -
Arnynt oll ymorfoleddodd,
    Ar bren y groes.

Pren y groes
      oedd pren y fendith,
    Hen bren y groes:
Fe droes hwnw'n
      bren y fendith,
    Hen bren y groes:
Er pan drengodd Iesu arno,
Hedd a bywyd lifa o hono,
Cenir clod
      trag'wyddol iddo,
    Hen bren y groes.
William Rees (Gwilym Hiraethog) 1802-83

Tôn [8484.8884]: Baron Hill (<1875)

(The Finished Work)
Sing about the finished work,
    On Calvary,
There Jesus gave eternal Satisfaction,
    On Calvary,
Every promise was fulfilled,
All the words of heaven were sealed,
When He cried, "It is finished"
    On Calvary.

The law of heaven was honoured
    On Calvary,
And righteousness was satisfied
    On Calvary;
The portals of bright heaven opened,
The Father from his throne smiled,
Heaven and earth were reconciled
    On Calvary.

The authorities of cruel hell,
    On the wood of the cross,
Bound in chains as captives,
    On the wood of the cross:
They appeared publicly
Under their shame in the fame of heaven -
Over them all he rejoiced,
    On the wood of the cross.

The wood of the cross was
      the wood of the curse,
    The old wood of the cross:
He turned that into the
      wood of the blessing,
    The old wood of the cross:
Ever since Jesus died upon it,
Peace and life stream from it,
A song of eternal praise
      is to be sung to it,
    The old wood of the cross.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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