Canwn ogoniant cariad Duw

We sing the glories of thy love

(Cân Moses a'r Oen; neu, Babilon yn cwympo.)
Canwn ogoniant cariad Duw,
A'i enw mor ofnadwy yw;
  Seinied eglwysi Crist mewn hoen
  Ganiadau Moses fwyn a'r Oen.

Duw mawr, dy waith sy' ryfedd iawn
O ras ac o ddialedd llawn!
  Ein cadarn Ior Brenin y saint,
  Dy ffyrdd yn gyfiawn pur y maent!

Pwy baid ac ofni d'enw mawr,
Neu blygu wrth dy faingc i lawr?
  Dy farnau sy'n hysbysu ar led
  Dy bur sancteiddrwydd trwy holl gred.

Babilon fawr sy'n llywio'r byd,
Ar waed y saint yn feddw o hyd,
  Ei beiau'n wir yn fuan iawn
  A ddeffry llid ein Duw yn llawn.

Cymmysgwyd ffiol lawn ei lid,
Rhaid iddi yfed hon i gyd;
  Cryf ydyw'r Ion ei barnu wna,
  A'r plaau i gyd ef a'u cwplâ.
cyf. Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

(The Song of Moses and the Lamb; or, Babylon falling.)
Let us sing the glory of the love of God,
And his name that is so terrible;
  Let the churches of Christ sing in tune
  The songs of gentle Moses and the Lamb.

Great God, thy work is very wonderful
Of grace and of vengeance full!
  Our firm Lord the King of the saints,
  Thy ways purely righteous are!

Who does not fear thy great name,
Or bow down at thy throne?
  Thy judgments are published abroad
  Thy pure sacredness through all creation.

Great Babylon that is governing the world,
Always drunk on the blood of the saints,
  Her faults truly very soon
  Shall awaken the wrath of our God fully.

The bowl was mixed full of his wrath,
She must drink all of this;
  Strong is the Lord, his judgment shall,
  And all the plagues, be fulfilled.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
(The Song of Moses and the Lamb)
We sing the glories of thy love,
  We sound thy dreadful name;
The Christian church unites the songs
  Of Moses and the Lamb.

Great God! how wondrous are thy works
  Of vengeance and of grace!
Thou King of saints, Almighty Lord,
  How just and true thy ways!

Who dares refuse to fear thy name,
  Or worship at thy throne?
Thy judgments speak thine holiness
  Through all the nations known.

Great Babylon that rules the earth,
  Drunk with the martyrs' blood,
Her crimes shall speedily awake
  The fury of our God.

The cup of wrath is ready mixed,
  And she must drink the dregs:
Strong is the Lord, her sovereign Judge,
  And shall fulfil the plagues.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tune [CM 8686]: Bedford (William Wheale 1696-1727)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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