Cawn esgyn o'r dyrys anialwch

(Dyddanwch pen y daith)
Cawn esgyn o'r dyrys anialwch
  I'r beraidd baradwys i fyw,
Ein henaid lluddedig gaiff orffwys
  Yn dawel ar fynwes ein Duw;
Dihangfa dragwyddol geir yno
  Ar bechod, cystuddiau a phoen,
A gwledda i oesoedd diderfyn
  Ar gariad anhraethol yr Oen.

O fryniau Caersalem ceir gweled
  Holl daith yr anialwch i gyd,
Pryd hyn y daw troeon yr yrfa
  Yn felys i lanw ein bryd;
Cawn edrych ar stormydd ac ofnau
  Ac angau dychrynllyd a'r bedd,
A ninnau'n ddihangol o'u cyrraedd
  Yn nofio mewn cariad a hedd.
David Charles 1762-1834

Tonau [9898D]:
Beddgelert (J D Jones 1827-70)
Crugybar (alaw Gymreig/Seisnig)
  :s |s : md:drm|s :f ║
    (Llawlyfr Moliant yr Ysgol Sabbothol 1897)

  Mae ffrydiau 'ngorfoledd yn tarddu
  O fryniau Caersalem ceir gweled

(The comfort of journey's end)
We may ascend from the wild desert
  To the sweet paradise to live,
Our tired souls find rest
  In quietness on our God's breast;
Eternal escape is found there
  From sin, afflictions and trials,
And feasting for unending ages
  On the inexpressible love of the Lamb.

From the hills of Jerusalem can be seen
  The entire journey all through the desert,
This time come turns of the course
  Sweetly to fill our mind;
We can look at the storms and fears
  And horrendous death and the grave,
And we have escaped from their reach
  Swimming in love and peace.
tr. 2008,11 Richard B Gillion
From life's dreary desert ascending
  To Paradise, realm of the blest;
My soul, filled with gladness transcending,
  On Jesus' calm bosom shall rest,
Rejoicing in safety supernal -
  From sin, and affliction, and pain -
Extolling in anthems eternal
  The love of the Lamb that was slain.

From Salem's fair heights we shall witness
  Our way through the desert of life,
And then shall we see the sweet fitness
  Of all its strange sorrows and strife:
Its storms shall we see and its fears,
  And death - from the mansions above -
When, safe from its terrors and tears,
  We revel in peace and in love.
tr. Gethin Davies 1846-96

also: To us from the desert ascending
tr. Howell Elvet Lewis (Elfed) 1860-1953
Sweet Singers of Wales 1889

also: We'll soar from the wilderness dreary
tr. J D Evans (Ap Daniel) 1869-1948
Cân a Mawl / Song and Praise 1918

also: And we from the wilds of the desert
tr. Lewis Edwards 1809-87

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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