1,(2,(4)); 1,3,4. Cenwch i'r Arglwydd, ac iawn fydd, Ryw ganiad newydd ryfedd; A chlywer yn nghyn'lleidfa'r saint, Ei fawrfraint a'i orfoledd. Boed Isräel lawen a ffraeth Yn Nuw a'i gwnaeth yn ddibrin; A byddant hyfryd, blant Seion, Yn Nuw, eu tirion Brenin. I'w saint y bydd gorfoledd iawn Mewn cyflawn lân ogoniant; Ac y'ngorphwysfa'r nefoedd wen Heb orphen byth y canant. Dyma'r glan ardderchowgrwydd sydd I'w saint y sydd yn credu: Clodforwch oll yr Arglwydd nef, O molwch ef am hynny. - - - - - I'r Arglwydd cenwch, ac iawn fydd, Ryw ganiad newydd rhyfedd; A chlywer y'nghyn'lleidfa'r saint Ei fawr-fraint a'i orfoledd. Boed Israel lawen iawn a ffraeth Yn Nuw, a'i gwnaeth yn ddibrin; A meibion Sïon hyfryd fon' Yng Nghrist, eu tirion Frenhin. O herwydd hoffa'r Arglwydd Iôn Ei bobol cyfion odiaeth; A gwisg y llednais sy'n y llwch A harddwch iechydwriaeth. I'w saint y bydd gorfoledd iawn Mewn cyflawn lân ogoniant; Ac y'ngorphwysfa'r nefoedd wen Heb orpben byth y canant. Yr ardderchogrwydd hyn a fydd I'w seintiau sydd yn credu; Clodforwch oll yr Arglwydd nef, A molwch ef am hynny.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623
Tonau [MS 8787]: |
Sing to the Lord, and truly there shall be Some new, wonderful song; And to be heard in the congregation of the saints, is His great privilege and his jubilation. Let Israel be joyful and eloquent In God who makes him prosperous; And they shall delight, the children of Zion, In God, their gentle Kind. To the saints let true jubilation come, And this full of glory; And in their beds, in a joyful manner And in their rooms, they shall sing. Here is the excellence which is For his saints who are believing: Extol ye all the Lord of heaven, O praise him for this. - - - - - To the Lord sing ye, and truly there shall be Some new, wonderful song; And to be heard in the congregation of the saints, is His great privilege and his jubilation. Let Israel be very joyful and eloquent In God, and his work proserous; And may the sons of Zion be In Christ, their gentle King. Since the Sovereign Lord is extremely Fond of his righteous people; And dresses the meek who are in the dust With the beauty of salvation. For his saints there shall be true jubilation In full, pure glory; And in the resting-place of bright heaven Without rest forever they shall sing. This excellence shall be For the saints who are believing; Extol ye all the Lord of heaven, And praise ye him for this.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |