Cenwch i'r Arglwydd newydd gân

(SALM 98 - Mawl am yr efengyl)
Cenwch i'r Arglwydd newydd gân,
  Ei waith fu lân ryfeddod;
Ei law ddëau a'i fraich a wnaeth
  In' iachawdwriaeth barod.

Yr Arglwydd, hysbys in' y gwnaeth
  Ei iachawdwriaeth gyhoedd;
A'i gyfiawnder ef yn dra hawdd
  Dadguddiawdd i'r cenedloedd.

Fe gofiodd ei drugaredd hir,
  A'i wir, i dy Israel:
Fel y gwelodd terfynau'r byd
  Ei iechyd yn ddiymgel.

I'r Arglwydd a chaniad llafar,
  Chwi, yr holl ddaear, cenwch:
A llefar lais, ac eglur lef,
  Fry hyd y nef y lleisiwch.
ryfeddod :: ryfeddol
barod :: parod
hysbys :: hyspys
cenedloedd :: cenhedloedd

Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623

Tôn [MS 8787]: Mynydd Carmel (<1835)

(Psalm 98 - Praise for the gospel)
Sing ye to the Lord a new song,
  His work was a holy wonder;
His right hand and his arm made
  For us a ready salvation.

The Lord, evident to us he made
  His salvation public;
And his righteousness so easily
  Was revealed to the nations.

He remembered his long mercy,
  And his truth, to the house of Israel:
Thus the ends of the earth saw
  His wholeness disclosed.

To the Lord with a loud song,
  Ye, the whole earth, sing!	
With a loud voice, and a clear cry,
  Up to heaven vocalise!

tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

1 Sing to the Lord a new made song,
    who wondrous things has done;
  With his right hand and holy arm
    the conquest he has won.

2 The Lord has through th' astonish'd world 
    displayed his saving might,
  And made his righteous acts appear
    in all the heathen's sight.

3 Of Israel's house his love and truth
    have ever mindful been;
  Wide earth's remotest parts the pow'r
    of Israel's God have seen.

4 Let therefore earth's inhabitants
    their cheerful voices raise,
  And all with universal joy
    resound their Maker's praise.

N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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